Easy System Debug/Configuration
A hallmark capability of SST
servo drives is its suite of debugging tools. QuickSet™ software, the
Real-time Monitor Port, and other features provide for superior diagnostics,
both in the engineering lab and in the field.
QuickSet™ is a
Windows-based configuration program that allows you to set up all configuration
parameters within an SSt servo system as well as store and retrieve configurations
from files. QuickSet™ has been developed specifically with an eye toward
speeding your development cycle and reducing use errors. Accelerator keys,
pulse-stretching display indicators, and numerous "one-click" features
like the A/B tuning configuration swap button, speed your development
process. Events and variables are displayed on QuickSet’s™ screens including
the RMS motor load, amplifier saturation, actual position and velocity,
limit switch actuation, move status, etc. Extensive, context-driven help
within QuickSet™ helps you get the most out of an SSt servo system.
The Real-time Monitor Port is a "soft probe" system that can display,
in real time, any of the full suite of internal variables (tracking accuracy,
velocity, actual torque, etc.) at a wide range of user-definable
scale factors.
To aid you in measuring
your move times, the MoveDone signal will show you exactly how long a
move takes including settling to your criteria.
To help make your testing complete, the SST servo drives have a built-in
step-response signal generator that you can use to simulate the effect
of worst-case disturbances in your machine. This signal generator can
also be used with the Real-time Monitor Port to help measure key parameters
like reflected inertia and friction.
Using QuickSet™,
the Real-time Monitor Port and the built in signal generator, you can
manually tune an axis to a high degree of robustness in just a few moments.
In short, the SST servo system excels in not only configuring and tuning
the servo system, but also debugging your machine.