This feature
was designed to allow the SST servo drive to excel in three application
1. To allow axes to position
accurately to a point and then become compliant ("allow itself to be pushed
around" within user-defined limits), typically when a pin is engaged for
mechanical registration.
2. When used with axes that have
compliant drive mechanisms and high static friction, this feature
eliminates motor overheating and shutdowns that normally occur with other
servo systems, and
3. MoveDone Torque Fold-back
provide a convenient, automatic method to clamp (apply a fixed force)
at the end of a move.
The MoveDone torque fold-back feature reduces the torque available to
the servo automatically once it detects that the move is complete (see
MoveDone Output... directly above).
You can see
how this feature is useful when you have to allow the endpoint of an axis
to be compliant or when you want to clamp something with the axis under
control at the end of the move without complicated software and encoder
processing. It’s not immediately obvious why, however, it would help with
axes that would otherwise have motor overheating or shutdown problems,
so let’s expand on this:
It is not uncommon
for inexpensive mechanics or long-travel axes to have significant compliance
in the drive train and significant stiction (break-away friction)
at the load. This will happen with heavy cantilevered loads run by belts
or, when a worm gear box is driven with a compliant coupling, etc. In
these situations, the load will periodically stop very near (close enough
for the application), but not at the commanded position and then
"stick" there (because, for example it has plain linear bearings under
a large load.) A typical servo system responds by adding torque until
the motor is at the exact position commanded, but often this torque
is not enough to free the stuck load so, instead of moving the load it
just winds-up the compliant mechanics (stretches the belt, etc.) The motor
uses torque continuously to do this and heats up, reducing its continuous
output capability and often intermittently shutting down because its ratings
are exceeded. Using MoveDone Torque Fold-back in these situations will
drastically increase the system reliability because this bad behavior
is actively suppressed by limiting the torque at the end of the move to
some low value. In addition, the motor will run cooler or be able to be
reduced in size, and wear on the axis due to chronic wind-up (tension)
is reduced.
With other digital
servo drives, the only way around this problem is an expensive mechanical
retrofit that is not required for the application, it is just required
to keep the servo system "happy". Alternately, complicated software workarounds
have to be employed with traditional servo control boards. The SST servo
drive’s MoveDone Torque Fold-back feature eliminates the need for either
of these expensive solutions, helping you keep you keep your material
costs low while simplifying your control software development and enhancing
your design flexibility.
In existing
open-loop stepper motor applications where the mechanics exhibit this
behavior, this effect is likely to go unnoticed until you try to drop-in
a servo system. MoveDone Torque Fold-back eliminates the risk of this
problem when an SSt servo system is dropped into your existing stepper
motor applications.
The MoveDone
Torque Fold-back feature (together with the RAS, Hard Stop Homing, Limits
Switch Homing, Torque/Force Fold-back input feature and flexible input
resolution) helps enable the use of simple low cost controls, that lack
encoder feedback, even in machines that have less than perfect mechanics
or where automatic endpoint clamping is required.