Now, all-digital,
positioning brushless servo drives are available to anyone at low cost,
in any quantity. Use them in traditional servo systems as smart drives
or drop them into existing stepper motor applications for dramatically
improved performance.

Outstanding Price/Performance...
Exclusive WorldServo performance features:
True, closed-loop,
vector torque control with sinewave brushless motor commutation so you
can use minimum size motors at the lowest cost, with excellent positioning
RAS™ (Regressive Auto-Splining™)
to double jerk limit the command input for reduced vibration, lower motor
requirements and lower cost. It also allows the use of very low cost controllers
(documentation for making your own "zero-cost" controller is in this site).
Automatic adaptive
tuning-Inertia Matching Technology™-give you excellent performance even
with large inertial loads or varying loads.
Anti-hunt™ to virtually
eliminate servo jitter and hunting even with very high servo gains, and
without sacrificing performance.
and many more (browse
this site to learn more)…
and low cost:
from WorldServo's full line of rare-earth brushless motors or use any
standard 3-phase brushless motor, brush-type motor, or voice coil actuator.
WorldServo systems are especially well-suited for linear motor applications.
You are not limited to one manufacturer's motor line.
save money because of WorldServo's technological innovations. In moderate
quantities (about 8 axes per month), a high-performance WorldServo system
including a positioning servo drive, a rare-earth brushless motor (614
watts peak, 141 watts continuous) and a high-resolution encoder is only
Free Motion Controller!
Extensive application note shows you how to make a motion controller with
software. Download a running PC implementation with C source code!
you'll get
at this site...
You'll find complete
information on how digital servo drives and brushless motors can work
for you, including:
Full specifications,
drawings, curves.
Complete, illustrated
feature descriptions (including data showing the effect of proprietary
features on real systems.)
information for all SSt servo components and systems (at all volume levels.)
PDF Downloads
of manuals, application notes and mechanical drawings (.dwg AutoCad™
files for drawings)
also find a new, comprehensive
section on the pros and cons of various motion control architectures.