This proprietary feature has no peer in the motion control industry. WorldServo’s
engineers have gone one large step closer toward removing the need for
concern over the motor-load inertia match by perfecting a new adaptive
control technique, aptly named Inertia Matching Technology.
Concern over the inertial match between motors and loads is required for
two reasons:
1. A high inertia mismatch can
cause a low frequency resonance to occur limiting the usable gain
of the servo system, and
2. The "under-powered" nature
of the axis when confronted with large inertia loads can lead to excessive
overshoot or complete instability unless the gains (especially the integrator
(I gain) is lowered drastically).
Resonance control torque filtering is used to mitigate the first problem,
either directly with a digital low-pass filter or by adjusting the response
of the torque controller.
The second problem
has troubled servo system designers and users for years. Here’s how this
problem normally manifests itself:
The position/velocity
compensator’s integrator is used to drive steady-state errors to zero
in a servo system. In general, this is a good thing. The higher the integrator
gain, the faster the errors are driven to zero, increasing the dynamic
stiffness of an axis. Unfortunately, until now, using the integrator always
leads to overshoot when responding to disturbances because of the very
nature of the integrator. The higher the integrator, gain the larger the
overshoot. Lowering the integrator gain lowers the amplitude of the overshoot
but increases the duration. If you have an axis that has less than perfect
mechanics and/or the inertia mismatch becomes significant, you are likely
to have problems. Eventually, it becomes impossible to keep the system
stable for even the smallest disturbance.
The Historical Solution
and/or highly compromised solutions to this problem in the past have included:
turning off the integrator until the end of a move, clamping the maximum
value of the integrator, providing a window in which the integrator operates,
etc. All of these solutions are of little utility and many of them actually
degrade performance. The common, brute-force way of dealing with this
problem is to over-size the motor (select a motor with torque/force well
beyond what the application requires), keep the feedback gains moderate
and use very little or no integrator gain.
This over-sizing
of the motor is usually effective Because the motor is effectively "unloaded"
by this technique, the integrator is seldom required for accuracy, so
the I-gain can be kept low or turned off. The problem is, of course, that
this over-sizing solution is both expensive and, in many applications,
the motor is just too large. However, the success of this expensive over-sizing
solution has led to a well-accepted inertia matching rule-of-thumb. This
guideline is promoted by many servo system salesmen because they know
if they get the customer to engineer in this way they will get fewer support
calls (and more revenue from larger systems).
Enter the SSt's
So how does
the SST servo system solve this problem? The SST’s IMT feature uses neural/fuzzy
adaptive control techniques designed using thousands of hours of simulation,
and tested rigorously on a wide variety of axes. The IMT eliminates overshoot
caused by large disturbances while maintaining high stiffness.
It does this
by simultaneously modulating the gains in the compensator during disruptive
events. Because this technique is highly proprietary, we can’t tell you
exactly how this works, but we can show you how well it
works. Scope shots from the Real-time Monitor Port below display the response
of an SSt servo system to an instantaneous step change in commanded position.
The top trace is a well-tuned SST system with a reasonable integrator
value. The lower trace, to those with servo experience, might look as
if the integrator gain has been set to zero—in fact, it was increased
by forty percent! Notice that the response is actually faster with no