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00001 #ifndef EMCMOT_H
00002 #define EMCMOT_H
00004 /*
00005   emcmot.h
00007   Decls of data structures for motion controller
00009   Modification history:
00011   17-Aug-2001  FMP added EMCMOT_SET_AOUT,DOUT
00012   15-Aug-2001  FMP added EMCMOT_SET_AXIS_VEL_LIMIT, to distinguish between
00013   trajectory limit and axis limits
00014   10-Aug-2001  FMP added jacobianForward()
00015   9-Aug-2001  FMP added kinematicsSetParameters()
00016   1-Jun-2001  FMP added EMCMOT_SET_DEBUG as command, put 'debug' in config
00017   status
00018   31-May-2001  FMP took decls of init_module(), cleanup_module() out
00019   altogether, since they're only called from within the file in which
00020   they're defined.
00021   cleanup_module that Terry Ridder added
00022   21-May-2001  FMP took out FIFO stuff, since it's no longer used
00023   18-May-2001 WPS moved alot of stuff into the emcmotDebug structure
00024   which is copied into shared memory. The Task level doesn't use this
00025   but it will hopefully make debugging some problems easier.
00026   25-Oct-2000 terrylr added if defined conditional using EMCMOT_C &
00027   EMCSTEPMOT_C to allow for the correct declaration of init_module &
00028   cleanup_module.
00029   15-Aug-2000  FMP added alter[] to EMCMOT_COMP struct, for dynamic altering
00030   of compensation points by external processes, e.g., thermal comp
00031   10-Aug-2000  FMP changed comp table structure a bit, removing fwd,revavgint
00032   in favor of a single avgint, to do input comp rather than output comp.
00033   8-Aug-2000  FMP added EMCMOT_COMP compensation table
00034   27-Jul-2000 WPS added probing commands and status variables.
00035   30-Mar-2000 WPS added ferrorCurrent and changed the name of ferror to
00036   ferrorHighMark in EMCMOT_STATUS struct.
00037   30-Sep-1999  FMP added EMCMOT_OVERRIDE_LIMITS cmd
00038   29-Sep-1999  FMP added homeOffset[] to status, EMCMOT_SET_HOME_OFFSET to cmd
00039   29-Sep-1999  WPS added decl of emcmot_done for Windows CE
00041   decls for revised syntax for kinematics
00042   14-Jul-1999  FMP rearranged EMCMOT_STATUS into dynamic and static sections,
00043   in prep for dual head-tail flags
00044   16-Jun-1999  FMP added axisPos[] to status, for calculated axis positions
00045   resulting from inverse kinematics
00046   8-Jun-1999  FMP took out SET_SM_CYCLE_TIME since we set the stepper
00047   motor cycle time to twice the servo cycle time; added EMCMOT_SET_MAX_VEL
00048   to set the maximum speed that all effective velocities, including their
00049   feed override if >1, will be limited to; added limitVel to status
00050   8-May-1999  FMP changed #ifdef rtlinux_O9J to rtlinux_09J, that is,
00051   "oh" to "zero".
00052   25-Feb-1999  FMP added commandEcho to status
00053   7-Feb-1999 FMP changed comment for status ferror to be mag of max ferror
00054   4-Feb-1999 RSB changed FIFO numbering from 0-3 to 1-4 for rtlinux-9J
00055   7-Oct-1998 FMP added homing vel stuff
00056   5-Aug-1998  FMP took out decl of emcmotController(), since it need only
00057   be static in emcmot.c
00058   8-Jul-1998  FMP added logPoints to status
00059   6-Jul-1998  FMP added emcmotGetArgs decl
00060   3-Apr-1998  FMP added active axis concept, with EMCMOT_AXIS_ACTIVE_BIT
00061   2-Apr-1998  FMP added EMCMOT_ENABLE,DISABLE_AXIS for calcs
00062   25-Mar-1998  FMP reversed wrong error ring buffer indices
00063   25-Feb-1998  FMP added AXIS_ERROR_FLAG
00064   10-Feb-1998  FMP added RTF decls back in
00065   6-Feb-1998  FMP added log types
00066   15-Nov-1997  FMP added home switch bit to axis status
00067   16-Oct-1997  FMP added kinematics prototype decls
00068   10-Oct-1997  FMP added min-max-avg status
00069   29-Aug-1997 WPS added EMCMOT_STEP, and paused to EMCMOT_STATUS
00070   27-Aug-1997 WPS added queueFull to EMCMOT_STATUS
00071   01-Aug-1997  FMP added min,maxOutput
00072   28-Jul-1997  FMP added bitflag status words motionFlag, axisFlag;
00073   moved all bit status into them; added EMCMOT_LOG_FILE_NAME;
00074   17-Jul-1997  FMP added EMCMOT_ERROR_SHMKEY
00075   25-Jun-1997  FMP added EMCMOT_COORD,FREE mode
00076   11-Jun-1997  FMP added index pulse homing
00077   10-Jun-1997  FMP added Servo To Go encoder/amp testing
00078   2-May-1997  FMP added EMCMOT_*_LOG stuff
00079   17-Apr-1997  FMP added computeTime to status
00080   16-Apr-1997  FMP created
00081 */
00083 #define ENABLE_PROBING
00085 #include "posemath.h"           /* PmCartesian */
00086 #include "emcpos.h"
00087 #include "cubic.h"              /* CUBIC_STRUCT */
00088 #include "pid.h"                /* PID_STRUCT */
00089 #include "emcmotcfg.h"          /* EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS */
00090 #include "emcmotlog.h"
00091 #include "emcpos.h"             /* EmcPose */
00092 #include "tp.h"                 /* TP_STRUCT */
00093 #include "tc.h"                 /* TC_STRUCT */
00094 #include "mmxavg.h"             /* MMXAVG_STRUCT */
00096 #ifdef __cplusplus
00097 extern "C" {
00098 #endif
00100 /* motion flag type */
00101 typedef unsigned short EMCMOT_MOTION_FLAG;
00103 /* axis flag type */
00104 typedef unsigned short EMCMOT_AXIS_FLAG;
00106 /* commands */
00107 enum {
00108   EMCMOT_SET_TRAJ_CYCLE_TIME = 1, /* set the cycle time */
00109   EMCMOT_SET_SERVO_CYCLE_TIME,  /* set the interpolation rate */
00110   EMCMOT_SET_POSITION_LIMITS,   /* set the axis position +/- limits */
00111   EMCMOT_SET_OUTPUT_LIMITS,     /* set the axis output +/- limits */
00112   EMCMOT_SET_OUTPUT_SCALE,      /* scale factor for outputs */
00113   EMCMOT_SET_INPUT_SCALE,       /* scale factor for inputs */
00114   EMCMOT_SET_MIN_FERROR,        /* minimum following error, input units */
00115   EMCMOT_SET_MAX_FERROR,        /* maximum following error, input units */
00116   EMCMOT_JOG_CONT,              /* continuous jog */
00117   EMCMOT_JOG_INCR,              /* incremental jog */
00118   EMCMOT_JOG_ABS,               /* absolute jog */
00119   EMCMOT_SET_LINE,              /* queue up a linear move */
00120   EMCMOT_SET_CIRCLE,            /* queue up a circular move */
00121   EMCMOT_SET_VEL,               /* set the velocity for subsequent moves */
00122   EMCMOT_SET_VEL_LIMIT,         /* set the absolute max vel for all moves */
00123   EMCMOT_SET_AXIS_VEL_LIMIT,    /* set the absolute max vel for each axis */
00124   EMCMOT_SET_ACC,               /* set the acceleration for moves */
00125   EMCMOT_PAUSE,                 /* pause motion */
00126   EMCMOT_RESUME,                /* resume motion */
00127   EMCMOT_STEP,                  /* resume motion until id encountered */
00128   EMCMOT_ABORT,                 /* abort motion */
00129   EMCMOT_SCALE,                 /* scale the speed */
00130   EMCMOT_ENABLE,                /* enable servos for active axes */
00131   EMCMOT_DISABLE,               /* disable servos for active axes */
00132   EMCMOT_SET_PID,               /* set PID gains */
00133   EMCMOT_ENABLE_AMPLIFIER,      /* enable amp outputs and dac writes */
00134   EMCMOT_DISABLE_AMPLIFIER,     /* disable amp outputs and dac writes */
00135   EMCMOT_OPEN_LOG,              /* open a log */
00136   EMCMOT_START_LOG,             /* start logging */
00137   EMCMOT_STOP_LOG,              /* stop logging */
00138   EMCMOT_CLOSE_LOG,             /* close log */
00139   EMCMOT_DAC_OUT,               /* write directly to the dacs */
00140   EMCMOT_HOME,                  /* home an axis */
00141   EMCMOT_FREE,                  /* set mode to free (joint) motion */
00142   EMCMOT_COORD,                 /* set mode to coordinated motion */
00143   EMCMOT_TELEOP,                 /* set mode to teleop*/
00144   EMCMOT_ENABLE_WATCHDOG,       /* enable watchdog sound, parport */
00145   EMCMOT_DISABLE_WATCHDOG,      /* enable watchdog sound, parport */
00146   EMCMOT_SET_POLARITY,          /* set polarity for axis flags */
00147   EMCMOT_ACTIVATE_AXIS,         /* make axis active */
00148   EMCMOT_DEACTIVATE_AXIS,       /* make axis inactive */
00149   EMCMOT_SET_TERM_COND,         /* set termination condition (stop, blend) */
00150   EMCMOT_SET_HOMING_VEL,        /* set the axis homing speed */
00151   EMCMOT_SET_NUM_AXES,          /* set the number of axes */
00152   EMCMOT_SET_WORLD_HOME,        /* set pose for world home */
00153   EMCMOT_SET_JOINT_HOME,        /* set value for joint homes */
00154   EMCMOT_SET_HOME_OFFSET,       /* where to go after a home */
00155   EMCMOT_OVERRIDE_LIMITS,       /* temporarily ignore limits until jog done */
00156   EMCMOT_SET_TELEOP_VECTOR,     /* Move at a given velocity  but in 
00157                                    world cartesian coordinates, not in joint 
00158                                    space like EMCMOT_JOG_* */
00159 #ifdef ENABLE_PROBING
00160   EMCMOT_SET_PROBE_INDEX,       /* set which wire the probe signal is on. */
00161   EMCMOT_SET_PROBE_POLARITY,    /* probe tripped on 0 to 1 transition or on
00162                                    1 to 0 transition. */
00163   EMCMOT_CLEAR_PROBE_FLAGS,     /* clears probeTripped flag */
00164   EMCMOT_PROBE,                  /* go towards a position, stop if the probe
00165                                    is tripped, and record the position where
00166                                    the probe tripped */
00167   EMCMOT_SET_DEBUG,             /* sets the debug level */
00168   EMCMOT_SET_AOUT,              /* sets an analog motion point for next move */
00169   EMCMOT_SET_DOUT               /* sets a digital motion point for next move */
00170 #endif
00172 };
00174 /* termination conditions for queued motions */
00175 #define EMCMOT_TERM_COND_STOP 1
00176 #define EMCMOT_TERM_COND_BLEND 2
00178 typedef struct _EMC_TELEOP_DATA {
00179   EmcPose currentVel;
00180   EmcPose currentAccell;
00181   EmcPose desiredVel;
00182   EmcPose desiredAccell;
00185 /* command struct */
00186 typedef struct
00187 {
00188   unsigned char head;           /* flag count for mutex detect */
00189   int command;                  /* one of enum above */
00190   int commandNum;               /* increment this for new command */
00191   double cycleTime;             /* planning time (not servo time) */
00192   double maxLimit;              /* pos value for position limit, output */
00193   double minLimit;              /* neg value for position limit, output */
00194   EmcPose pos;                   /* end for line, circle */
00195   PmCartesian center;           /* center for circle */
00196   PmCartesian normal;           /* normal vec for circle */
00197   int turn;                     /* turns for circle */
00198   double vel;                   /* max velocity */
00199   double acc;                   /* max acceleration */
00200   int id;                       /* id for motion */
00201   int termCond;                 /* termination condition */
00202   int axis;                     /* which index to use for below */
00203   PID_STRUCT pid;               /* gains */
00204   int logSize;                  /* size for log fifo */
00205   int logSkip;                  /* how many to skip, 0 means log all,
00206                                    -1 means don't log on cycles */
00207   int logType;                  /* type for logging */
00208   int logTriggerType;           /* see enum LOG_TRIGGER_TYPES */
00209   int logTriggerVariable;       /* the variable(s) that can cause the log to 
00210                                    trigger. se enum LOG_TRIGGER_VARS */
00211   double logTriggerThreshold;   /* the value for non manual triggers */
00212   double dacOut;                /* output to DAC */
00213   double scale;                 /* input or output scale arg */
00214   double offset;                /* input or output offset arg */
00215   double minFerror;             /* min following error */
00216   double maxFerror;             /* max following error */
00217   int wdWait;                   /* cycle to wait before toggling wd */
00218   EMCMOT_AXIS_FLAG axisFlag;    /* flag to set polarities */
00219   int level;                    /* flag for polarity level */
00220 #ifdef ENABLE_PROBING
00221   int probeIndex;               /* which wire the probe signal is on */
00222 #endif
00223   int debug;                    /* debug level, from DEBUG in .ini file */
00224   unsigned char out, start, end; /* motion index, start, and end bits */
00225   unsigned char tail;           /* flag count for mutex detect */
00228 /*
00229   motion status flag structure-- looks like:
00231   MSB                             LSB
00232   v---------------v------------------v
00233   |   |   |   | T | CE | C | IP | EN |
00234   ^---------------^------------------^
00236   where:
00238   EN is 1 if calculations are enabled, 0 if not
00239   IP is 1 if all axes in position, 0 if not
00240   C is 1 if coordinated mode, 0 if in free mode
00241   CE is 1 if coordinated mode error, 0 if not
00242   T is 1 if we are in teleop mode.
00243   */
00245 /* bit masks */
00246 #define EMCMOT_MOTION_ENABLE_BIT      0x0001
00247 #define EMCMOT_MOTION_INPOS_BIT       0x0002
00248 #define EMCMOT_MOTION_COORD_BIT       0x0004
00249 #define EMCMOT_MOTION_ERROR_BIT       0x0008
00250 #define EMCMOT_MOTION_TELEOP_BIT       0x0010
00252 /*
00253   axis status flag structure-- looks like:
00255   MSB                                                          LSB
00256   ----------v-----------------v-----------------------v-------------------v
00257   | AF | FE |   | HD | H | HS | NHL | PHL | NSL | PSL | ER | IP | AC | EN |
00258   ----------^-----------------^-----------------------^-------------------^
00259     *         x        *   *     *     *                               *
00261   x = unused
00262   * = has a polarity associated with it
00264   where:
00266   EN  is 1 if axis amplifier is enabled, 0 if not
00267   AC  is 1 if axis is active for calculations, 0 if not
00268   IP  is 1 if axis is in position, 0 if not
00269   ER  is 1 if axis has an error, 0 if not
00271   PSL is 1 if axis is on maximum software limit, 0 if not
00272   NSL is 1 if axis is on minimum software limit, 0 if not
00273   PHL is 1 if axis is on maximum hardware limit, 0 if not
00274   NHL is 1 if axis is on minimum hardware limit, 0 if not
00276   HS  is 1 if axis home switch is tripped, 0 if not
00277   H   is 1 if axis is homing, 0 if not
00278   HD  is 1 if axis has been homed, 0 if not
00280   FE  is 1 if axis exceeded following error, 0 if not
00281   AF  is 1 if amplifier is faulted, 0 if not
00283   */
00285 /* bit masks */
00286 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_ENABLE_BIT         0x0001
00287 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_ACTIVE_BIT         0x0002
00288 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_INPOS_BIT          0x0004
00289 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_ERROR_BIT          0x0008
00291 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_MAX_SOFT_LIMIT_BIT 0x0010
00292 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_MIN_SOFT_LIMIT_BIT 0x0020
00293 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_MAX_HARD_LIMIT_BIT 0x0040
00294 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_MIN_HARD_LIMIT_BIT 0x0080
00296 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_HOME_SWITCH_BIT    0x0100
00297 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_HOMING_BIT         0x0200
00298 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_HOMED_BIT          0x0400
00300 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_FERROR_BIT         0x1000
00301 #define EMCMOT_AXIS_FAULT_BIT          0x2000
00303 /* axis flag polarities-- for those axis flag bits that are subject
00304    to polarity (e.g., EN is, IP, H are not)-- are referenced to these
00305    bit masks above.
00307    Note that 1 is normal, 0 is inverted, for sensing. They are reported
00308    in the axis status flag as documented, regardless of polarity. That
00309    is, AF will be 1 in the axis status flag for an amp fault, if the
00310    amp is faulted, regardless of the polarity.
00312    They default to 1, normal polarity.
00314    To set them, send EMCMOT_SET_POLARITY, with axis set to
00315    0..EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS - 1, axisFlag set to polarity bits for axis. */
00317 /* values for commandStatus */
00318 #define EMCMOT_COMMAND_OK 0     /* cmd honored */
00319 #define EMCMOT_COMMAND_UNKNOWN_COMMAND 1 /* cmd not understood */
00320 #define EMCMOT_COMMAND_INVALID_COMMAND 2 /* cmd can't be handled now */
00321 #define EMCMOT_COMMAND_INVALID_PARAMS 3 /* bad cmd params */
00322 #define EMCMOT_COMMAND_BAD_EXEC 4 /* error trying to initiate */
00324 /*
00325   The type of kinematics used.
00327   KINEMATICS_IDENTITY means that the joints and world coordinates are the
00328   same, as for slideway machines (XYZ milling machines). The EMC will allow
00329   changing from joint to world mode and vice versa. Also, the EMC will set
00330   the actual world position to be the actual joint positions (not commanded)
00331   by calling the forward kinematics each trajectory cycle.
00333   KINEMATICS_FORWARD_ONLY means that only the forward kinematics exist.
00334   Since the EMC requires at least the inverse kinematics, this should simply
00335   terminate the EMC.
00337   KINEMATICS_INVERSE_ONLY means that only the inverse kinematics exist.
00338   The forwards won't be called, and the EMC will only allow changing from
00339   joint to world mode at the home position.
00341   KINEMATICS_BOTH means that both the forward and inverse kins are defined.
00342   Like KINEMATICS_IDENTITY, the EMC will allow changing between world and
00343   joint modes. However, the kins are assumed to be somewhat expensive
00344   computationally, and the forwards won't be called at the trajectory rate
00345   to compute actual world coordinates from actual joint values.
00346 */
00348 typedef enum {
00349   KINEMATICS_IDENTITY = 1,      /* forward=inverse, both well-behaved */
00350   KINEMATICS_FORWARD_ONLY,      /* forward but no inverse */
00351   KINEMATICS_INVERSE_ONLY,      /* inverse but no forward */
00352   KINEMATICS_BOTH               /* forward and inverse both */
00355 /* deprecated symbols */
00360 /* status struct */
00361 typedef struct
00362 {
00363   unsigned char head;           /* flag count for mutex detect */
00365   /* dynamic status-- changes every cycle */
00366   unsigned int heartbeat;
00367   int config_num;               /* incremented whenever configuration changed. */
00368   double computeTime;
00369   EmcPose pos;                   /* calculated Cartesian position */
00370   double axisPos[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* calculated axis positions */
00371   double output[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00372   double input[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* actual input */
00373   EmcPose actualPos;             /* actual Cartesian position */
00374   int id;                       /* id for executing motion */
00375   int depth;                    /* motion queue depth */
00376   int activeDepth;              /* depth of active blend elements */
00377   int queueFull;
00378   EMCMOT_MOTION_FLAG motionFlag;
00380   int paused;
00381   int overrideLimits;           /* non-zero means limits are ignored */
00382   int logPoints;                /* how many points currently in log */
00384   /* static status-- only changes upon input commands, e.g., config */
00385   int commandEcho;              /* echo of input command */
00386   int commandNumEcho;           /* echo of input command number */
00387   unsigned char commandStatus;  /* one of EMCMOT_COMMAND_ defined above */
00388   double outputScale[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00389   double outputOffset[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00390   double inputScale[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00391   double inputOffset[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* encoder offsets */
00392   double qVscale;               /* traj velocity scale factor */
00393   double axVscale[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* axis velocity scale factor */
00394   double vel;                   /* scalar max vel */
00395   double acc;                   /* scalar max accel */
00396   int logOpen;
00397   int logStarted;
00398   int logSize;                  /* size in entries, not bytes */
00399   int logSkip;
00400   int logType;                  /* type being logged */
00401   int logTriggerType;           /* 0=manual, 1 =abs(change) > threshold,
00402                                    2=var < threshold, 3 var>threshold */
00403   int logTriggerVariable;       /* The variable(s) that can cause the log to 
00404                                    trigger. */
00405   double logTriggerThreshold;   /* The value for non manual triggers. */
00406   double logStartVal;   /* value use for delta trigger */
00407   int probeTripped;             /* Has the probe signal changed since
00408                                  start of probe command? */
00409   int probeval;                 /* current value of probe wire */
00410   int probing;                  /* Currently looking for a probe signal? */
00411   EmcPose probedPos;             /* Axis positions stored as soon as possible
00412                                    after last probeTripped */
00413   unsigned char tail;           /* flag count for mutex detect */
00417 typedef struct 
00418 {
00419   unsigned char head;           /* flag count for mutex detect */
00421   int config_num;               /* Incremented everytime configuration changed, should match status.config_num */
00424   int numAxes;
00425   double trajCycleTime;
00426   double servoCycleTime;
00427   int interpolationRate;
00428   double maxLimit[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* maximum axis limits, counts */
00429   double minLimit[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* minimum axis limits, counts */
00430   double minOutput[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* minimum output value allowed, volts */
00431   double maxOutput[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* maximum output value allowed, volts */
00432   double minFerror[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* minimum allowable following error */
00433   double maxFerror[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* maximum allowable following error */
00434   double limitVel;              /* scalar upper limit on vel */
00435   double axisLimitVel[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* scalar upper limit on axis vels */
00436   double homingVel[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* scalar max homing vels */
00437   double homeOffset[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* where to go after home, user units */
00438   int probeIndex;               /* Which wire has the probe signal? */
00439   int probePolarity;            /* Look for 0 or 1. */
00440   KINEMATICS_TYPE kinematics_type;
00442   int STEPPING_TYPE;   /* 0 = step/direction, 1 = phasing */
00444   int PERIOD;      /* fundamental period for timer interrupts */
00445   unsigned short STG_BASE_ADDRESS;
00446   unsigned long int PARPORT_IO_ADDRESS;
00447   int debug;                    /* copy of DEBUG, from .ini file */
00449   unsigned char tail;           /* flag count for mutex detect */
00452 typedef struct
00453 {
00454   unsigned char head;           /* flag count for mutex detect */
00455   double tMin, tMax, tAvg;      /* trajectory min, max, avg times */
00456   double sMin, sMax, sAvg;      /* servo min, max, avg times */
00457   double nMin, nMax, nAvg;      /* min, max, avg times in DISABLED mode */
00458   double yMin, yMax, yAvg;      /* min, max, avg times cycle times rather than compute  */
00459   double fMin, fMax, fAvg;      /* min, max, avg times frequency */
00460   double fyMin, fyMax, fyAvg;      /* min, max, avg times frequency cycle times rather than compute  */
00462   EMC_TELEOP_DATA teleop_data;
00463   double ferrorCurrent[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* current  following error */
00464   double ferrorHighMark[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* magnitude of max following error */
00465   int split;                    /* number of split command reads */
00466   /*
00467     stepperCount[] contains the accumulated pulses that have been output, which
00468     are used as the "encoder feedback" for open-loop stepping.
00469   */
00470   int stepperCount[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* and rest are 0 */
00472   /*
00473    * 'pdmult' is a global that sets value to be loaded into decrement
00474    * counters, for freqfunc() task function. Set this to 0 or 1 for full-out
00475    * frequency, 2 for half, 3 for a third, etc.
00476    * lpg -
00477    * for rtl2x
00478    *             1,193,180    / ( +-10          1.0         48000ns)
00479    * pdmult = HRTICKS_PER_SEC / (rawoutput * output_scale * PERIOD);
00480    * 
00481    */
00482   int pdmult[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00483   int enable[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00485   /* flag for enabling, disabling watchdog; multiple for down-stepping */
00486   int wdEnabling ;
00487   int wdEnabled ;
00488   int wdWait ;
00489   int wdCount ;
00490   unsigned char wdToggle ;
00492   /* flag that all active axes are homed */
00493   unsigned char allHomed ;
00495   /* values for joint home positions */
00496   double jointHome[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00498   int maxLimitSwitchCount[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00499   int minLimitSwitchCount[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00500   int ampFaultCount[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00502   TP_STRUCT queue;         /* coordinated mode planner */
00503 /* the freeAxis TP_STRUCTs are used to store the single joint value,
00504    in tran.x, that enables us to use the TP_STRUCT functions for axis
00505    planning. This is overkill, and we need to create a simpler TP_STRUCT
00506    for single-joint motion planning. */
00508 /* freePose is a EmcPose struct that is used to hold a joint value, in
00509    tran.x, so that the TP_STRUCT functions can be called for scalar joint
00510    planning */
00511  EmcPose freePose;
00514 /* space for trajectory planner queues, plus 10 more for safety */
00515 /* FIXME-- default is used; dynamic is not honored */
00516  TC_STRUCT queueTcSpace[DEFAULT_TC_QUEUE_SIZE + 10];
00517 #define FREE_AXIS_QUEUE_SIZE 4  /* don't really queue free axis motion */
00520  double rawInput[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];        /* raw feedback from sensors */
00521  double rawOutput[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* raw output to actuators */
00523  double coarseJointPos[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];  /* trajectory point, in joints */
00524  double jointPos[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* interpolated point, in joints */
00525  double jointVel[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* joint velocity */
00526  double oldJointPos[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* ones from last cycle, for vel */
00527  double outJointPos[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* rounded and backlash-comped */
00528  double oldInput[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* ones for actual pos, last cycle */
00529   char oldInputValid[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00530 /* inverseInputScale[] is 1/inputScale[], and lets us use a multiplication
00531    instead of a division each servo cycle */
00532  double inverseInputScale[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00533  double inverseOutputScale[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00534  EmcPose oldPos;           /* last position, used for vel differencing */
00535  EmcPose oldVel, newVel;   /* velocities, used for acc differencing */
00536  EmcPose newAcc;           /* differenced acc */
00538 /* value of speed past which we debounce the feedback */
00539  double bigVel[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00541  int homingPhase[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /*flags for homing */
00542  int latchFlag[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* flags for axis latched */
00543  double saveLatch[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* saved axis latch values */
00545  int enabling;        /* starts up disabled */
00546  int coordinating;    /* starts up in free mode */
00547  int teleoperating  ;    /* starts up in free mode */
00549  int wasOnLimit;      /* non-zero means we already aborted
00550                                    everything due to a soft
00551                                    limit, and need not re-abort. It's
00552                                    cleared only when all limits are
00553                                    cleared. */
00554  int onLimit;         /* non-zero means at least one axis is
00555                                    on a soft limit */
00557  int overriding;      /* non-zero means we've initiated an axis
00558                                    move while overriding limits */
00560  int stepping;
00561  int idForStep;
00563   /* min-max-avg structs for traj and servo cycles */
00564   MMXAVG_STRUCT tMmxavg;
00565   MMXAVG_STRUCT sMmxavg;
00566   MMXAVG_STRUCT nMmxavg;
00567   MMXAVG_STRUCT yMmxavg;
00568   MMXAVG_STRUCT fMmxavg;
00569   MMXAVG_STRUCT fyMmxavg;
00571   double tMmxavgSpace[DEFAULT_MMXAVG_SIZE];
00572   double sMmxavgSpace[DEFAULT_MMXAVG_SIZE];
00573   double nMmxavgSpace[DEFAULT_MMXAVG_SIZE];
00574   double yMmxavgSpace[DEFAULT_MMXAVG_SIZE];
00575   double fMmxavgSpace[DEFAULT_MMXAVG_SIZE];
00576   double fyMmxavgSpace[DEFAULT_MMXAVG_SIZE];
00578   double start_time;
00579   double running_time;
00580   double cur_time;
00581   double last_time;
00583     /* backlash stuff */
00584   double bcomp[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];  /* backlash comp value */
00585   char bcompdir[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; /* 0=none, 1=pos, -1=neg */
00586   double bcompincr[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];  /* incremental backlash comp */
00587   char bac_done[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS]; 
00588   double bac_d[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00589   double bac_di[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00590   double bac_D[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00591   double bac_halfD[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00592   double bac_incrincr[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00593   double bac_incr[EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS];
00595   unsigned char tail;           /* flag count for mutex detect */
00598 /* error structure */
00599 typedef struct
00600 {
00601   unsigned char head;           /* flag count for mutex detect */
00603   int start;                    /* index of oldest error */
00604   int end;                      /* index of newest error */
00605   int num;                      /* number of items */
00606   unsigned char tail;           /* flag count for mutex detect */
00609 /* compensation structure */
00610 #define EMCMOT_COMP_SIZE 256
00611 typedef struct
00612 {
00613   int total;                    /* how many comp points */
00614   double avgint;                /* average interval between points */
00615   double nominal[EMCMOT_COMP_SIZE]; /* nominal points */
00616   double forward[EMCMOT_COMP_SIZE]; /* forward comp points */
00617   double reverse[EMCMOT_COMP_SIZE]; /* reverse comp points */
00618   double alter;                 /* additive dynamic compensation */
00619 } EMCMOT_COMP;
00621 /* big comm structure, for upper memory */
00622 typedef struct
00623 {
00624   EMCMOT_COMMAND command;
00625   EMCMOT_STATUS status;
00626   EMCMOT_CONFIG config;
00627   EMCMOT_DEBUG debug;
00628   EMCMOT_ERROR error;
00629   EMCMOT_LOG log;
00633 /*
00634   function prototypes for emcmot code
00636   built-in main() calls these functions; if main() is not used
00637   they must be called by user processes directly. Control flow is:
00639   init_module();
00640   for (;;)
00641   {
00642     emcmotController(0);
00643     if (userDoneFunction())
00644       break;
00645     else
00646       userWaitCycle();
00647   }
00648   cleanup_module();
00650   where userDoneFunction() tells when to stop, and userWaitCycle() should
00651   sleep the process for the servo cycle time.
00652   */
00654 extern int init_module(void);
00655 extern void cleanup_module(void);
00657 /* FIXME-- better kinematics functions */
00659 /* the forward flags are passed to the forward kinematics so that they
00660    can resolve ambiguities in the world coordinates for a given joint set,
00661    e.g., for hexpods, this would be platform-below-base, platform-above-base.
00663    The flags are also passed to the inverse kinematics and are set by them,
00664    which is how they are changed from their initial value. For example, for
00665    hexapods you could do a coordinated move that brings the platform up from
00666    below the base to above the base. The forward flags would be set to
00667    indicate this. */
00668 typedef unsigned long int KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS;
00670 /* the inverse flags are passed to the inverse kinematics so thay they
00671    can resolve ambiguities in the joint angles for a given world coordinate,
00672    e.g., for robots, this would be elbow-up, elbow-down, etc.
00674    The flags are also passed to the forward kinematics and are set by them,
00675    which is how they are changed from their initial value. For example, for
00676    robots you could do a joint move that brings the elbow from a down
00677    configuration to an up configuration. The inverse flags would be set to
00678    indicate this. */
00679 typedef unsigned long int KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS;
00681 /* the forward kinematics take joint values and determine world coordinates,
00682    given forward kinematics flags to resolve any ambiguities. The inverse
00683    flags are set to indicate their value appropriate to the joint values
00684    passed in. */
00685 extern int kinematicsForward(const double * joint,
00686                              EmcPose * world,
00687                              const KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS * fflags,
00688                              KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS * iflags);
00690 /* the inverse kinematics take world coordinates and determine joint values,
00691    given the inverse kinematics flags to resolve any ambiguities. The forward
00692    flags are set to indicate their value appropriate to the world coordinates
00693    passed in. */
00694 extern int kinematicsInverse(const EmcPose * world,
00695                              double * joints,
00696                              const KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS * iflags,
00697                              KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS * fflags);
00699 /* the home kinematics function sets all its arguments to their proper
00700    values at the known home position. When called, these should be set,
00701    when known, to initial values, e.g., from an INI file. If the home
00702    kinematics can accept arbitrary starting points, these initial values
00703    should be used.
00704 */
00705 extern int kinematicsHome(EmcPose * world,
00706                           double * joint,
00707                           KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS * fflags,
00708                           KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS * iflags);
00711 extern KINEMATICS_TYPE kinematicsType(void);
00713 /* sets the mechanism parameters. The caller needs to know how to set
00714    each p[] value. Typically this is either hard-coded, or can be part
00715    of a .ini file, e.g., [TRAJ] KINEMATICS_PARAMETERS = 1.0 2.0 -3.1416,
00716    where the writer of the .ini file knows how the kinematicsSetParameters()
00717    function for the particular controller will use these values. */
00718 extern int kinematicsSetParameters(double *p);
00720 extern int jacobianInverse(const EmcPose * pos,
00721                            const EmcPose * vel,
00722                            const double * joints,
00723                            double * jointvels);
00725 extern int jacobianForward(const double * joints,
00726                            const double * jointvels,
00727                            const EmcPose * pos,
00728                            EmcPose * vel);
00730 /* error ring buffer access functions */
00731 extern int emcmotErrorInit(EMCMOT_ERROR *errlog);
00732 extern int emcmotErrorPut(EMCMOT_ERROR *errlog, const char *error);
00733 extern int emcmotErrorGet(EMCMOT_ERROR *errlog, char *error);
00735 #ifdef __cplusplus
00736 }
00737 #endif
00739 #endif /* EMCMOT_H */

Generated on Sun Dec 2 15:27:39 2001 for EMC by doxygen1.2.11.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001