Consultants in Lean Manufacturing Á Manufacturing Strategy

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Thus, then, in Strategy everything is very simple, but not on that account very easy.

--Carl von Clausewitz    




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The Newsletter of Lean Manufacturing & Factory Science

11 May 2005             

Simple But Not Easy

Implementing Lean

Simplicity is a recurring theme in Lean Manufacturing and the Toyota Production System. Lean means:

  • Simple Quality-  Shingo's concept of Pokayoke

Carl von Clauswitz, one of the first strategic thinkers pointed out that simple does not mean easy. When first developing their system, Toyota was quite open about showing it off. They knew the difficulties and doubted that competitors could imitate it. This has often proven true. 

The implementation pages on our website provide insight (but not a formula) for a  successful implementation. They portray Lean Manufacturing's systemic nature, provide a Mental Model, present an approach to Lean Manufacturing Strategy, and help develop action plans. The topics include:


  • A Mental Model

  • Selecting Critical Elements

  • Consolidating The Gains

  • Continuous Improvement

  • A Framework of Phases

  • Precedents and Priorities

  • Action Planning

  • The Role of Pilot Projects


Best Regards,

Quarterman Lee

You may forward this Lean Briefing to colleagues or use it in your publication. We only ask that you do so in its entirety. ?2005 Strategos, Inc.

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