Interface Filter

All Known Implementing Classes:
Filter.ByClass, Filter.ByModule

public interface Filter

An interface representing a generic boolean single-argument operation. A Filter can be passed to the Rete.getObjects(Filter) method, where it is used to choose relevant objects from working memory.

(C) 2006 Sandia National Laboratories

Nested Class Summary
static class Filter.ByClass
          A Filter implementation that passes objects that are instances of a given class.
static class Filter.ByModule
          A Filter implementation that passes Jess objects defined in a given module.
Method Summary
 boolean accept(java.lang.Object o)
          Returns true if the given object should be included in the filtered set.

Method Detail


public boolean accept(java.lang.Object o)
Returns true if the given object should be included in the filtered set.

o - the object to test
true if the object should be included

© 2007 Sandia Corporation