Class FactIDValue

  extended byjess.Value
      extended byjess.FactIDValue
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FactIDValue
extends Value

Use this subclass of Value when you want to create a Value that represents a Fact.

In previous versions of Jess, fact-id's were more like integers; now they are really references to facts. As such, a fact-id must represent a valid Fact object. Call Value.javaObjectValue(jess.Context) to get the Fact object, and call Fact.getFactId() to get the fact-id as an integer. This latter manipulation will now rarely, if ever, be necessary.

(C) 2006 Sandia National Laboratories

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
FactIDValue(Fact f)
          Create a FactIDValue
Methods inherited from class jess.Value
atomValue, equals, equals, equalsStar, externalAddressValue, factValue, floatValue, funcallValue, functionValue, hashCode, intValue, isLexeme, isNumeric, javaObjectValue, listValue, longValue, numericValue, resolveValue, stringValue, symbolValue, toString, toStringWithParens, type, variableValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FactIDValue(Fact f)
            throws JessException
Create a FactIDValue

f - The fact
JessException - If the type is invalid

© 2007 Sandia Corporation