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Copyright 2003 Strategos, Inc.

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The Newsletter of Lean Manufacturing & Factory Science

17 February 2004             

Low-Volume/High-Variety Workcells

Last fall several issues explored how Cellular Manufacturing and Group Technology smoothed the flow in low-volume/high variety job shops. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers has just published an expanded and revised version of those articles.

If you missed these issues of Lean Briefing or would like to see a new case study go to Lean Directions, SME's online newsletter. The entire issue is devoted to this topic.

In addition, you may download Chapter 4 from my upcoming book which explains all aspects of workcell design and covers the topic in much more detail.

Lean Accounting and Finance

We are also wrapping up our Lean Accounting & Finance series with a new page that comments on Micro-Costing, Inventory Cost and Non-Financial Metrics. In addition, this entire series is available for download in a single convenient ZIP file.


Our next issue looks at Value Stream and Process mapping with guidance new material on where and how to use these powerful analysis and paradigm-shifting tools. See you then.

Quarterman Lee

Please feel free to forward this Lean Briefing to colleagues or use it in your publication. We only ask that you do so in its entirety.

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