Participants Will Learn...
Organizing The Project
A structured approach based on fundamentals rather than imitation
and slogans.
Four steps to workcell design...proven effective in companies worldwide.
How to handle emotional, political, and organizational issues.
Selecting The Product Families
Engineer The Process
How Process Charts streamline workflow.
How to establish TAKT time, process time, and setup time.
How to determine the right number of people.
What equipment and how much utilization to expect.
Develop The Infrastructure
How to balance work for equipment and people.
Six methods of production control and which to use.
How to design a Kanban system for your cell.
Integrating workcells with MRP.
How to guide teams to maturity.
- How to ensure quality in the workcell.
Layout The Workcell
Implement Your Workcell Design
Program Outline
1. What Is Cellular Manufacturing?
Why Cells Are So Effective
Cell Design Procedures
2. Selecting The Products
Finding Part Families
Group Technology
Dedicated Vs. GT Cells
3. Engineering The Process
Process Charting
Estimating Times
Calculating Cell Capacity
How Many People & Machines?
4. Defining Infrastructure
Material Handling &
Balancing The Work
Compensation & Rewards
5. Layout of The Cell
Cell Configurations
Layout Procedures
6. Selecting The Best Option
PNI Analysis
Weighted Factor Evaluation
Calculating Improvements
7. Teams & Workcells
Why Teamwork Is Essential
What Teams Need
8. Implementation
Implement Fast or Slow?
Kaizen Events