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Cellular Manufacturing & Workcell Design

Seminar Highlights

Planning The Workcell

 Planning The Workcell


Layout the workcell

Visualizing The Cell


cell layout

Workcell Layout


workcell balance

Five Balance Methods

Cellular Manufacturing & Workcell Design

A Step-by-Step Approach

This workshop features a step-by-step approach that that explains what to do and when to do it. The approach applies to virtually any situation and derives from Mr. Lee's book, "Facility Planning And Workplace Design." 

Beneath their deceptive simplicity, workcells are sophisticated Socio/Bio/Technical systems. They require careful, fundamental design not imitation or slogans. 

Your learning team will find this workshop practical, experiential and participative as they work through exercises that culminate in a complete workcell design. We can often adapt it to use your own products and processes. 

Format  Onsite Live Online Who Should Attend?
Time 2-Day 6 weeks


   Industrial Engineers

   Manufacturing Engineers

   Facility Planners

   Production Supervisors

   Production Schedulers

Cost $5500 (Includes Travel) $2800
Participants 5-25 5-20
Next Step Call us at 816-931-1414

Participants Will Learn...

Organizing The Project
  • A structured approach based on fundamentals rather than imitation and slogans.

  • Four steps to workcell design...proven effective in companies worldwide.

  • How to handle emotional, political, and organizational issues.

Selecting The Product Families
  • Three techniques to identify Product Families:

  • Intuitive Grouping

  • Production Flow Analysis

  • Classification & Coding.

Engineer The Process
  • How Process Charts streamline workflow.

  • How to establish TAKT time, process time, and setup time.

  • How to determine the right number of people.

  • What equipment and how much utilization to expect.

  • Develop The Infrastructure

  • How to balance work for equipment and people.

  • Six methods of production control and which to use.

  • How to design a Kanban system for your cell.

  • Integrating workcells with MRP.

  • How to guide teams to maturity.

  • How to ensure quality in the workcell.
Layout The Workcell
  • Why the cell layout is NOT the first task.

  • Four layout styles and when to use each.
Implement Your Workcell Design
  • Pros & Cons of a Kaizen Blitz.

  • How to ensure a smooth startup.

Program Outline

1. What Is Cellular Manufacturing?

        Why Cells Are So Effective 

        Cell Design Procedures 

2. Selecting The Products 

        Finding Part Families 

        Group Technology 

        Dedicated Vs. GT Cells 

3. Engineering The Process 

        Process Charting 

        Estimating Times 

        Calculating Cell Capacity 

        How Many People & Machines? 

4. Defining Infrastructure 


        Material Handling & Containers 

        Balancing The Work 


       Compensation & Rewards 

5. Layout of The Cell 

        Cell Configurations 

        Layout Procedures 

6. Selecting The Best Option 

        PNI Analysis

        Weighted Factor Evaluation 

        Calculating Improvements

7. Teams & Workcells

        Why Teamwork Is Essential

        What Teams Need

8. Implementation

        Implement Fast or Slow?

        Kaizen Events

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