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Related Seminar

Quick & Easy Kaizen

Strategos is now offering Norman Bodek's seminar on "Quick & Easy Kaizen" which Mr. Bodek personally presents.





Copyright 2003 Strategos, Inc.

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The Newsletter of Lean Manufacturing & Factory Science

January 29, 2003             

Quick & Easy Kaizen

My previous letter on the Japanese word "Kaizen" focused on the intense, localized "Kaizen Blitz" which has become popular here in the U.S.

Another meaning for "Kaizen" is translated by Norman Bodek as "Quick & Easy Kaizen". Here we encourage everyone in the firm to look for and implement small improvements in their own areas. This includes such simple things as rearranging tools for easier access or modifying a screwdriver for use in a special assembly.

Such "Mini Kaizen" eventually add up to large improvements after hundreds or thousands have been implemented. Toyota considers this an important piece of the Toyota Production System.

Mini Kaizen offers some important advantages: - The small scope allows immediate implementation without approvals, bureaucracy and cost. - It offers intrinsic psychological rewards that motivate employees and heighten morale. - It is a simple and inexpensive program to launch and the risks are low.

There are, however, some secrets to making it work. Norman Bodek has revealed them in his new book "The Idea Generator". You can find a summary of this powerful technique on our site at:

All The Best-

Quarterman Lee

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