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Seminar—Implementing Quick & Easy Kaizen




Kaizen SymbolImplementing Quick & Easy Kaizen

In this Quick and Easy Kaizen seminar author Norman Bodek trains your people in one of Toyota's most powerful tools for Continuous Improvement. This seminar is real life and demonstrates how to do it. Your people will learn principles, techniques, and a structured Kaizen process. 

Quick & Easy Kaizen is powerful tool to transform culture and improve processes. It develops the "Kaizen Mind" in all of your employees. The idea is that everyone in an organization re-examines their work and improves it in small ways within their control. These thousands of "Mini Kaizens" add up like raindrops forming a flood. 

Format Onsite Live Online Who Should Attend?
Time 2-Half-Day Sessions 1 Week, 1 Session

All Employees

Cost $3400 (Includes Travel) $600
Participants 5-30 5-30
Next Step Call 816-931-1414 Call  816-931-1414

Participants Will Learn...

  • Why small changes yield big results in quality, productivity and customer service.

  • Why small changes are so easy and fast.

  • Why Kaizen begins with you.

  • Why everyone should participate.

  • About turning ideas into success

  • How Quick & Easy Kaizen works in every job.

  • How to write Kaizen reports in 3 minutes and 75 words.

  • Why changing the method improves the process.

  • How to track, report and reward Quick & Easy Kaizen efforts.

Program Outline

1. Definitions of Kaizen

2. Principles of Kaizen

3. Essential Steps

4. Obstacles to a Creative Idea System

5. Rules of Kaizen

6. Elements of a Kaizen System

7. Stages of Development

8. Benefits of Quick & Easy Kaizen System

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