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00001 /*
00002    pid.c
00004    C definitions for PID code
00006    Modification history:
00008    6-Jul-2001  FMP took out pidGetCycleTime(), pidGetGains(), since as Max
00009    and Will noted they are pretty useless.
00010     6-Jul-2001 Max-Heise fixed bug in pidGetCycleTime (commited by WPS).
00011     7-Nov-2000 WPS added code to prevent  a problem when ff1 is not zero and the pid is reset on a non-zero position. When the machine came out of estop,
00012 the lastSetPoint would be zero, the setpoint could be large making ff1 *(setpoint - lastSetPoint)  large. Now when coming out of estop the real effect of pidReset should be to set a flag declaring lastSetpoint invalid, it will be set to the next setpoint in pidRunCycle.
00013    13-Jul-2000 WPS added some hacks surrounded by THROWAWAY_CUMULATIVE_ERROR_ON_SIGN_CHANGES and SMOOTH_D_FACTOR
00014    13-Mar-2000 WPS added unused attribute to ident to avoid 'defined but not used' compiler warning.
00015    29-Feb-2000  FMP took out backlash in calculations, since it's added
00016    in trajectory planner now. It needs to be taken out of PID struct and
00017    moved into axis struct instead.
00018    24-Feb-2000  FMP added deadband
00019    23-Sep-1999 WPS replaced stdio with inet_file functions which are
00020    supported under CE
00021    16-Dec-1998  FMP added backlash correction in pidRunCycle, per
00022    Angelo Brousalis' fix
00023    9-Oct-1998  FMP corrected MAX to MAX_ERROR in pidIniLoad()
00024    18-Aug-1998  FMP took out reverse gains, added bias
00025    25-Jun-1998  FMP added bipolar max error check, per Angelo Brousalis'
00026    correction
00027    5-Jun-1998   FMP added reverse gains
00028    14-Apr-1998  FMP added backlash; set maxError in pidSetGains()
00029    19-Nov-1997  FMP added ff2
00030    16-Oct-1997  FMP changed vf, af to ff0, ff1
00031    15-Aug-1997  FMP added maxError clamp on
00032    01-Aug-1997  FMP added lastOutput to PID_STRUCT; added pidReset();
00033    added vf, af to pidRunCycle calcs and corrected d and vf gains to
00034    divide by cycleTime
00035    24-Apr-1997  FMP added pidIniLoad()
00036    17-Apr-1997  FMP created from C portion of original pid.c
00037 */
00039 #ifndef NO_STDIO_SUPPORT
00040 #ifdef UNDER_CE
00041 #include "rcs_ce.h"             /* RCS_CE_ATOF() */
00042 #else
00043 #include <stdio.h>
00044 #endif
00045 #include "inetfile.hh"          /* inet_file_open() */
00046 #include "rcs_prnt.hh"          /* rcs_print_error */
00047 #include "inifile.h"
00048 #endif
00049 #include "pid.h"                /* these decls */
00051 /* ident tag */
00052 #ifndef __GNUC__
00053 #ifndef __attribute__
00054 #define __attribute__(x)
00055 #endif
00056 #endif
00058 static char __attribute__((unused)) ident[] = "$Id: pid.c,v 1.7 2001/07/06 21:50:05 proctor Exp $";
00060 #define GAINS_SET 0x01
00061 #define CYCLE_TIME_SET 0x02
00064 int pidInit(PID_STRUCT * pid)
00065 {
00066 #ifdef SMOOTH_D_FACTOR
00067   int i;
00068 #endif
00069   if (0 == pid) {
00070     return -1;
00071   }
00073   pid->p = 0.0;
00074   pid->i = 0.0;
00075   pid->d = 0.0;
00076   pid->ff0 = 0.0;
00077   pid->ff1 = 0.0;
00078   pid->ff2 = 0.0;
00079   pid->backlash = 0.0;
00080   pid->bias = 0.0;
00081   pid->maxError = 0.0;
00082   pid->deadband = 0.0;
00083   pid->cycleTime = 1.0;
00084   pid->configured = 0;
00087 #ifdef SMOOTH_D_FACTOR
00088   for(i = 0; i < MAX_ERROR_WINDOW; i++)
00089     {
00090       pid->oldErrors[i] = 0.0;
00091       pid->errorWindowFactors[i] = 0.1;
00092     }
00093   pid->errorIndex = 0;
00094 #endif
00096   /* now clear out the state vars */
00097   return pidReset(pid);
00098 }
00100 /* clear out the state vars */
00101 int pidReset(PID_STRUCT * pid)
00102 {
00103   if (0 == pid) {
00104     return -1;
00105   }
00107   pid->error = 0.0;
00108   pid->lastError = 0.0;
00109   pid->cumError = 0.0;
00110   pid->lastSetpoint = 0.0;
00111   pid->lastSetpoint_was_set = 0; /* lastSetpoint is no longer valid. */
00112   pid->lastSetpointDot = 0.0;
00113   pid->lastOutput = 0.0;
00115   return 0;
00116 }
00118 int pidSetCycleTime(PID_STRUCT * pid, double seconds)
00119 {
00120   if (0 == pid ||
00121       seconds <= 0.0) {
00122     return -1;
00123   }
00125   pid->cycleTime = seconds;
00126   pid->configured |= CYCLE_TIME_SET;
00128   return 0;
00129 }
00131 int pidSetGains(PID_STRUCT * pid, PID_STRUCT parameters)
00132 {
00133 #ifdef SMOOTH_D_FACTOR
00134   int i;
00135 #endif
00137   if (0 == pid) {
00138     return -1;
00139   }
00141   pid->p = parameters.p;
00142   pid->i = parameters.i;
00143   pid->d = parameters.d;
00144   pid->ff0 = parameters.ff0;
00145   pid->ff1 = parameters.ff1;
00146   pid->ff2 = parameters.ff2;
00147   pid->backlash = parameters.backlash;
00148   pid->bias = parameters.bias;
00149   pid->maxError = parameters.maxError;
00150   pid->deadband = parameters.deadband;
00153 #ifdef SMOOTH_D_FACTOR
00154   for(i = 0; i < MAX_ERROR_WINDOW; i++)
00155     {
00156       pid->oldErrors[i] = 0.0;
00157 #if 0
00158       if(parameters.errorWindowFactors[0] > 0.0)
00159         {
00160           pid->errorWindowFactors[i] = parameters.errorWindowFactors[i];
00161         }
00162 #endif
00163     }
00164   pid->errorIndex = 0;
00165 #endif
00167   pid->configured |= GAINS_SET;
00169   return 0;
00170 }
00172 double pidRunCycle(PID_STRUCT * pid, double sample, double setpoint)
00173 {
00174   double setpointDot;
00175   double error;
00176 #ifdef SMOOTH_D_FACTOR
00177   double smooth_d;
00178   int i;
00179 #endif
00181   if( 0 == pid )
00182     {
00183       return 0;
00184     }
00186   if ( pid->cycleTime < 1e-7 || 
00187       pid->configured != ALL_SET ) {
00188     return 0.0;
00189   }
00190   if(! pid->lastSetpoint_was_set )
00191     {
00192       pid->lastSetpoint = setpoint;
00193       pid->lastSetpointDot = 0.0;
00194       pid->lastSetpoint_was_set = 1;
00195     }
00198   /* calculate error and cumError */
00199   error =  setpoint - sample;
00200   if (error > pid->deadband) {
00201     pid->error = error - pid->deadband;
00202   }
00203   else if (error < -pid->deadband) {
00204     pid->error = error + pid->deadband;
00205   }         
00206   else {
00207     pid->error = 0.0;
00208   }
00209   pid->cumError += pid->error * pid->cycleTime;
00210   setpointDot = (setpoint - pid->lastSetpoint) / pid->cycleTime;
00211   if (pid->cumError > pid->maxError) {
00212     pid->cumError = pid->maxError;
00213   }
00214   else if (pid->cumError < -pid->maxError) {
00215     pid->cumError = -pid->maxError;
00216   }
00218   if(
00219      (pid->error >= 0.0 && pid->lastError <= 0.0) ||
00220      (pid->error <= 0.0 && pid->lastError >= 0.0))
00221     {
00222       pid->cumError = pid->error * pid->cycleTime;
00223     }
00224 #endif
00226 #ifdef SMOOTH_D_FACTOR
00227   smooth_d =
00228     ( pid->oldErrors[(pid->errorIndex  + 2*MAX_ERROR_WINDOW)%MAX_ERROR_WINDOW]
00229       - pid->oldErrors[(pid->errorIndex +1 + 2*MAX_ERROR_WINDOW)%MAX_ERROR_WINDOW]) /MAX_ERROR_WINDOW;
00230 #if !defined(rtlinux) && !defined(rtai)
00231   if(error != 0.0)
00232     {
00233       for(i = 0; i < MAX_ERROR_WINDOW; i++)
00234         {
00235           printf("%8.8f ",( pid->oldErrors[(pid->errorIndex -i + 2*MAX_ERROR_WINDOW)%MAX_ERROR_WINDOW]
00236                             - pid->oldErrors[(pid->errorIndex -i-1 + 2*MAX_ERROR_WINDOW)%MAX_ERROR_WINDOW]));
00237         }
00238     }
00239 #endif
00240   pid->errorIndex++;
00241   pid->errorIndex %= MAX_ERROR_WINDOW;
00242   pid->oldErrors[pid->errorIndex] = pid->error;
00243 #if !defined(rtlinux)  && !defined(rtai)
00244   if(error != 0.0)
00245     {
00246       printf("\nerror=%8.8f,(error-lastError)=%8.8f,smooth_d=%8.8f\n",
00247              pid->error,(pid->error-pid->lastError),smooth_d);
00248     }
00249 #endif
00250 #endif
00253   /* do compensation calculations */
00254   pid->lastOutput = pid->bias +
00255     pid->p * pid->error +
00256     pid->i * pid->cumError +
00257 #ifdef SMOOTH_D_FACTOR
00258     pid->d * smooth_d /pid->cycleTime;
00259 #else
00260     pid->d * (pid->error - pid->lastError) / pid->cycleTime +
00261 #endif
00262     pid->ff0 * setpoint +
00263     pid->ff1 * setpointDot +
00264     pid->ff2 * (setpointDot - pid->lastSetpointDot) / pid->cycleTime;
00266   /* update history vars */
00267   pid->lastSetpoint = setpoint;
00268   pid->lastSetpointDot = setpointDot;
00269   pid->lastError = pid->error;
00271   return pid->lastOutput;
00272 }
00274 int pidIniLoad(PID_STRUCT * pid, const char * filename)
00275 {
00276 #ifndef NO_STDIO_SUPPORT
00278   PID_STRUCT params;
00279   double cycleTime;
00280   int retval = 0;
00281   const char *inistring;
00282 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00283   FILE *fp;
00285   if (NULL == (fp = fopen(filename, "r"))) {
00286     rcs_print_error( "can't open ini file %s\n", filename);
00287     return -1;
00288   }
00289 #else
00290   INET_FILE *fp;
00292   if (NULL == (fp = inet_file_open(filename, "r"))) {
00293     rcs_print_error( "can't open ini file %s\n", filename);
00294     return -1;
00295   }
00296 #endif
00298   /* forward gains */
00300   if (NULL != (inistring = iniFind(fp, "P", 0))) {
00301 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00302     if (1 != sscanf((char *) inistring, "%lf", &params.p)) {
00303       /* found, but invalid */
00304       rcs_print_error( "invalid P gain: %s\n", inistring);
00305       retval = -1;
00306     }
00307 #else
00308     params.p = RCS_CE_ATOF(inistring);
00309 #endif
00310   }
00312   if (NULL != (inistring = iniFind(fp, "I", 0))) {
00313 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00314     if (1 != sscanf((char *) inistring, "%lf", &params.i)) {
00315       /* found, but invalid */
00316       rcs_print_error( "invalid I gain: %s\n", inistring);
00317       retval = -1;
00318     }
00319 #else
00320     params.i = RCS_CE_ATOF(inistring);
00321 #endif
00322   }
00324   if (NULL != (inistring = iniFind(fp, "D", 0))) {
00325 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00326     if (1 != sscanf((char *) inistring, "%lf", &params.d)) {
00327       /* found, but invalid */
00328       rcs_print_error( "invalid D gain: %s\n", inistring);
00329       retval = -1;
00330     }
00331 #else
00332     params.d = RCS_CE_ATOF(inistring);
00333 #endif
00334   }
00336   if (NULL != (inistring = iniFind(fp, "FF0", 0))) {
00337 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00338     if (1 != sscanf((char *) inistring, "%lf", &params.ff0)) {
00339       /* found, but invalid */
00340       rcs_print_error( "invalid FF0 gain: %s\n", inistring);
00341       retval = -1;
00342     }
00343 #else
00344     params.ff0 = RCS_CE_ATOF(inistring);
00345 #endif
00346   }
00348   if (NULL != (inistring = iniFind(fp, "FF1", 0))) {
00349 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00350     if (1 != sscanf((char *) inistring, "%lf", &params.ff1)) {
00351       /* found, but invalid */
00352       rcs_print_error( "invalid FF1 gain: %s\n", inistring);
00353       retval = -1;
00354     }
00355 #else
00356     params.ff1 = RCS_CE_ATOF(inistring);
00357 #endif
00358   }
00360   if (NULL != (inistring = iniFind(fp, "FF2", 0))) {
00361 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00362     if (1 != sscanf((char *) inistring, "%lf", &params.ff2)) {
00363       /* found, but invalid */
00364       rcs_print_error( "invalid FF2 gain: %s\n", inistring);
00365       retval = -1;
00366     }
00367 #else
00368     params.ff2 = RCS_CE_ATOF(inistring);
00369 #endif
00370   }
00372   if (NULL != (inistring = iniFind(fp, "BACKLASH", 0))) {
00373 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00374     if (1 != sscanf((char *) inistring, "%lf", &params.backlash)) {
00375       /* found, but invalid */
00376       rcs_print_error( "invalid backlash: %s\n", inistring);
00377       retval = -1;
00378     }
00379 #else
00380     params.backlash = RCS_CE_ATOF(inistring);
00381 #endif
00382   }
00384   if (NULL != (inistring = iniFind(fp, "BIAS", 0))) {
00385 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00386     if (1 != sscanf((char *) inistring, "%lf", &params.bias)) {
00387       /* found, but invalid */
00388       rcs_print_error( "invalid bias: %s\n", inistring);
00389       retval = -1;
00390     }
00391 #else
00392     params.bias = RCS_CE_ATOF(inistring);
00393 #endif
00394   }
00396   if (NULL != (inistring = iniFind(fp, "MAX_ERROR", 0))) {
00397 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00398     if (1 != sscanf((char *) inistring, "%lf", &params.maxError)) {
00399       /* found, but invalid */
00400       rcs_print_error( "invalid max cum error: %s\n", inistring);
00401       retval = -1;
00402     }
00403 #else
00404     params.maxError = RCS_CE_ATOF(inistring);
00405 #endif
00406   }
00408   if (NULL != (inistring = iniFind(fp, "DEADBAND", 0))) {
00409 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00410     if (1 != sscanf((char *) inistring, "%lf", &params.deadband)) {
00411       /* found, but invalid */
00412       rcs_print_error( "invalid deadband: %s\n", inistring);
00413       retval = -1;
00414     }
00415 #else
00416     params.deadband = RCS_CE_ATOF(inistring);
00417 #endif
00418   }
00420   /* if they all read ok, stick them in pid */
00421   if (retval == 0) {
00422     pidSetGains(pid, params);
00423   }
00425   if (NULL != (inistring = iniFind(fp, "CYCLE_TIME", 0))) {
00426 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00427     if (1 != sscanf((char *) inistring, "%lf", &cycleTime)) {
00428       /* found, but invalid */
00429       rcs_print_error( "invalid CYCLE_TIME: %s\n", inistring);
00430       retval = -1;
00431     }
00432     else {
00433       pidSetCycleTime(pid, cycleTime);
00434     }
00435 #else
00436     cycleTime = RCS_CE_ATOF(inistring);
00437     pidSetCycleTime(pid, cycleTime);
00438 #endif
00439   }
00441   /* close inifile */
00442 #ifndef UNDER_CE
00443   fclose(fp);
00444 #else
00445   inet_file_close(fp);
00446 #endif
00448   return retval;
00450 #else
00452   return -1;
00454 #endif
00455 }

Generated on Sun Dec 2 15:27:41 2001 for EMC by doxygen1.2.11.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001