Interface ErrorHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ErrorHandler

Objects of this class are notified when an error occurs while parsing Jess code. The ErrorHandler can choose to abort or continue the parse.

(C) 2006 Sandia National Laboratories

See Also:
Rete.batch(String), Batch.batch(String, Rete, Context, ErrorHandler)

Nested Class Summary
static class ErrorHandler.DefaultHandler
          A default error handler implementation that just rethrows the parameter.
Method Summary
 void handleError(JessException ex)
          When an error occurs during parsing, this method will be called.

Method Detail


public void handleError(JessException ex)
                 throws JessException
When an error occurs during parsing, this method will be called.

ex - the error that has occurred
JessException - to abort parsing, rethrow the exception parameter

© 2007 Sandia Corporation