Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidRuleSessionException
javax.rules Provides the core client interfaces for using rule engine. 

Uses of InvalidRuleSessionException in javax.rules

Methods in javax.rules that throw InvalidRuleSessionException
 java.util.List StatelessRuleSession.executeRules(java.util.List objects)
          Executes the rules in the bound rule execution set using the supplied list of objects.
 java.util.List StatelessRuleSession.executeRules(java.util.List objects, ObjectFilter filter)
          Executes the rules in the bound rule execution set using the supplied list of objects.
 boolean StatefulRuleSession.containsObject(Handle objectHandle)
          Returns true if the given object is contained within rule session state of this rule session.
 Handle StatefulRuleSession.addObject(java.lang.Object object)
          Adds a given object to the rule session state of this rule session.
 java.util.List StatefulRuleSession.addObjects(java.util.List objList)
          Adds a List of Objects to the rule session state of this rule session.
 void StatefulRuleSession.updateObject(Handle objectHandle, java.lang.Object newObject)
          Notifies the rules engine that a given object in the rule session state has changed.
 void StatefulRuleSession.removeObject(Handle handleObject)
          Removes a given object from the rule session state of this rule session.
 java.util.List StatefulRuleSession.getObjects()
          Returns a List of all objects in the rule session state of this rule session.
 java.util.List StatefulRuleSession.getHandles()
          Returns a List of the Handles being used for object identity.
 java.util.List StatefulRuleSession.getObjects(ObjectFilter filter)
          Returns a List over the objects in rule session state of this rule session.
 void StatefulRuleSession.executeRules()
          Executes the rules in the bound rule execution set using the objects present in the rule session state.
 void StatefulRuleSession.reset()
          Resets this rule session.
 java.lang.Object StatefulRuleSession.getObject(Handle handle)
          Returns the Object within the StatefulRuleSession associated with a Handle.
 RuleExecutionSetMetadata RuleSession.getRuleExecutionSetMetadata()
          Returns the meta data for the rule execution set bound to this rule session.
 void RuleSession.release()
          Releases all resources used by this rule session.
 int RuleSession.getType()
          Returns the type identifier for this RuleSession.

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