Uses of Class

Packages that use RuleException
javax.rules Provides the core client interfaces for using rule engine. 
javax.rules.admin Provides the APIs for rule administration. 

Uses of RuleException in javax.rules

Subclasses of RuleException in javax.rules
 class ConfigurationException
          This exception is thrown when a user configuration error has been made.
 class InvalidHandleException
          This exception should be thrown when a client passes an invalid Handle to the underlying rule engine.
 class InvalidRuleSessionException
          The InvalidRuleSessionException should be thrown when a method is invoked on a RuleSession and the internal state of the RuleSession is invalid.
 class RuleExecutionException
          Base class for all runtime RuleException classes in the javax.rules package.
 class RuleExecutionSetNotFoundException
          This exception is thrown if a client requests a RuleExecutionSet from the RuleRuntime and the URI or RuleExecutionSet cannot be found.
 class RuleSessionCreateException
          This exception is thrown when a client requests a RuleSession from the RuleRuntime and an error occurs that prevents a RuleSession from being returned.
 class RuleSessionTypeUnsupportedException
          This exception is thrown when a client requests a RuleSession and the vendor does not support the given type (defined in the RuleRuntime) or the RuleExecutionSet itself does not support the requested mode.

Uses of RuleException in javax.rules.admin

Subclasses of RuleException in javax.rules.admin
 class RuleAdministrationException
          Base class for all administration RuleException classes in the javax.rules.admin package.
 class RuleExecutionSetCreateException
          This exception is thrown if an error occurs while creating a rule execution set.
 class RuleExecutionSetDeregistrationException
          This exception is thrown if an exception occurs while unregistering a rule execution set from a URI.
 class RuleExecutionSetRegisterException
          This exception is thrown if an exception occurs while registering a rule execution set to a URI.

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