Links and Other Stuff

Related to LinuxCNC

EMC Handbook (click here)


Glossary of Terms (click here)


EMC related mailing lists for everyone

EMC "users" mail list at the EMC support site on the Source Forge

    To browse archives of above list, click here

Archives of old NIST/EMC mailing list

CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO mail list at  Yahoo (not EMC specific, but quite useful)

Deutschsprachiges EMC-Forum (German language EMC forum) (German language WIKI for EMC)

cad-linux mailing list on


EMC mailing lists for developers

EMC "developers" mail list at the EMC support site on the Source Forge

    To browse archives of above list, click here

EMC "commit" mail list at the EMC support site on the Source Forge
    (this is a receive only list, PLEASE do not post or respond to messages here)

    To see a history of commits to the EMC source code, click here

IRC - Not technically a mailing list, but developers meet regularly on Internet Relay Chat
    Meetings are typically at 10AM Eastern Time (USA) or 14:00 GMT on Sundays, but
    discussions can and do occur at any time.
    IRC host is:
    Channel to join is: #emc


Archives of old releases (no longer supported)


Dropbox of ancillary files (click here)


Links to EMC related pages

EMC source code development project on SourceForge
    (this is the home of the source code, CVS system, and mailing lists for EMC)

Compile Farm status reports (experimental)

Realtime Control System library at NIST

Mirror site for BDI images and other large EMC related files courtesy of  Sherline

Ohio State University site about Real Time Control System (RCS) used in EMC

Links to NIST personnel who developed EMC

EMC support site in GERMAN

Another CNC control package based on Real Time Linux

Axis- a GUI written in python for EMC 


EMC in action

Till Franitza's Hexapods at the University of Stuttgard

Les Watts uses a very large gantry router controlled by EMC

Sherline's new EMC base CNC system

Instructions for the Sherline/EMC based CNC system

David Munro's amazing clocks

Matt Shaver's website

"Penguin CNC" -Henry Palonen

Jon Elson's EMC conversion

Rainnea CNC- Rab Gordon's "Chips" page

Leijnen Engineering's large gantry Triton Shaper

Hedin Grips uses EMC for wood carving and engraving


Interface Hardware for use with EMC

Pico Systems motion control website (hardware supported by EMC)

Servo to Go website (hardware supported by EMC)

Vital Systems Inc. (hardware supported by EMC)

Vigilant Products (hardware supported by EMC)

Dan Mauch's motion control kits- steppers/servos/DRO cards

PMDX breakout boards, motor drivers, other CNC accessories


Linux Real Time Extensions and PLC Modules

RTL (Real Time Linux) Home Page

RTAI (Real Time Applications Interface) Home Page

PuffinPLC - PLC under linux (aka: MAT - Machine Automation Tools)

FreeLC -  another PLC under linux



Pro Engineer Wildfire -A high end CAD/CAM package that runs on Linux

Varkon- A full 3D CAD Application for Linux released under GPL

Weber Systems Synergy CAD/CAM for Linux

Varicad- A commercial CAD Application for Linux

Qcad- inexpensive 2D CAD package for Linux and Windows

LinuxCAD- a commercial 2D/3D cad package for Linux

GraphiteOne- a commercial Python based program that uses Opencascade libraries

PythonCAD - a true open-source package using Python and GTK

gCAD3D- an APT based CAM package that may be partially released under GPL

Jon Elson's  routines in C to  produce G-Code

SagCAD- an open source Linux based CAD/CAM system under development,
                 (Japanese is native language, no English yet)

SagCAD manual translated to english via Babelfish

WANTED - more information on any Linux based CAM software please
notify of any possibilities.

Vector - popular low cost commercial CAD/CAM (Windows application)

Dolphin - popular low cost commercial CAD/CAM (Windows application)

NIST paper on RS-274NGC interpreter (PDF document)

Paul Corner's list of G&M code variants

NIST STEP Class Library


Computer Programming/Documentation

TCL a high level scripting language suitable for building user interfaces (like TK-EMC)

Python a high level scripting language suitable for building user interfaces

TeX document formatting language

LyX on screen editor for TeX with PDF and HTML output capability

Documentation on CVS, the source code version control system used on the EMC project.


CNC Related Links

Jon Elson's Machining page

Tim Goldstein's collection of CNC info

The mother of all CNC link

Compumotor Stepper/Servo Engineering reference (Excellent!)

Hans Wedemeyer's Projects, Code and More related to electronics for machine tools

Tom Kulaga's excellent DRO page (original disappeared, this an archive provided by Tim Goldstein)

For questions about EMC and integration with Linux, please see our mailing lists

For comments or questions about this web site, please see our contact info

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