Handbook - SuSE 6.3 EMC Installation

(The use of Yast found on CD.2 as opposed to Yast2 on CD.1 for installation is assumed.)

1. Set up the hard disk and partitions, following the manual's instructions.
If this is on a 'new' machine dedicated to Linux, use the default settings.

2. Select the SuSE Default installation from the Load Configuration option

3. Check for the following programs in the Change/Create Configuration option:

Series  Program File
d       gcc
d       gpp
d       linux
tcl     tcld
tcl     tclx
x       xdevel

4. When all the files have been loaded, reboot the system and run Sax.
Choose the graphics card and monitor to suit your system.

* For the rest of these notes, we will be using the KDE desktop enviroment - which should install as part of the SuSE default configuration.

5. Login as the root user, and type 'startx kde' to fire up the desktop GUI.
(the 'root' user is equivalent to 'Administrator' user in WinNT.)

6. Once in KDE, open the file manager (KFM)

7. Locate rtlinux-2.0.tgz and right click on it - open it with Archiver and extract it to the directory /usr/src/ - Archiver can now be closed.

8. Follow the directory tree to /usr/src/rtlinux-2.0/ in KFM

9. Open another KFM window, and navigate to /usr/src/

10. Drag the /linux-2.2.13 folder from /usr/src/ to /usr/src/rtlinux-2.0/ and click on Copy.

Rename this folder as linux
Delete the /linux and /linux-2.2.13 folders in /usr/src/
Drag linux-2.2.13 (*Q. - should be linux?) from /usr/src/rtlinux-2.0/ back to /usr/src/ and click on Link this time. (You should have a symbolic link named linux)
Repeat again, and when the dialog box appears, rename the folder as linux-2.2.13

11. You should now have two links in /usr/src/ called linux and linux-2.2.13, both pointing to /usr/src/rtlinux-2.0/linux. If so, close both KFM windows.

12. Open Konsole and follow the instuctions found in /usr/src/rtlinux-2.0/INSTALL.phil - from section 2.

13. On rebooting the machine, compiling the RT modules, and testing the new kernel you should be ready to install EMC.

  • Note: the installation of RTlinux can be difficult. You may want to move to the RTLinux installation pages, then return to these notes

14. Start the KDE graphical user interface, and open the file manager again (KFM)

Extract emc-07-Jun-2000.tgz to /usr/local/
(right click, use extract option)

15. In a Konsole window, move to the /usr/local/ directory and run ./install
Ignore all the errors that will be generated - the following notes deal with correcting the problems.

16. In KFM, move to /usr/lib/ and make the following two links: pointing to pointing to

17. Create a new folder in /usr/local/rcslib/etc/ called 'phony' and in 'phony' create 'include'

Copy the following files to /usr/local/rcslib/phony/include/


Move to a Konsole window, and move to /usr/local/ and type ./compile

There will be a few warnings generated by the compiler, but these can be ignored for the time being....


Majority of SuSE 6.3 install material supplied by Paul Corner. Edited 3.21.01 by Keith Rumley