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#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "ttyintf.hh"
#include <ctype.h>

Include dependency graph for cms/

Include dependency graph

Go to the source code of this file.


#define __GNU_SOURCE


char __attribute__ ((unused)) ident[]="$Id
void parseCmdLineArgs (int argc, char **argv)
const char * convertToGraph (const char *in, char *out, int max)
int main (int argc, char **argv)

Define Documentation

#define __GNU_SOURCE

Definition at line 3 of file cms/

Function Documentation

char __attribute__ (unused)    [static]

Definition at line 7 of file cms/

00007                                                   :,v 4.33 2001/10/11 13:37:09 wshackle Exp $";
00010 #include <stdio.h>
00011 #include <stdlib.h>
00012 #include <string.h>
00013 #include <unistd.h>
00014 #include "ttyintf.hh"
00015 #include <ctype.h>
00017 rcs_serial_port_setting settings;
00018 char *ttyDevName;
00019 int verbosity=0;
00020 char *endline_str = "\n";
00022 static void
00023 printCmdLineHelp(const char *progname)
00024 {
00025   printf("ttytest: \n");
00026   printf("Usage: [Options] ttydevice \n",progname);
00027   printf("Options:\n");
00028   printf("\t-h             \t--help                  \tPrint this help message.\n");
00029   printf("\t-V             \t--version               \tPrint version info.\n");
00030   printf("\t-v             \t--verbose               \tMore verbose output.\n");
00031   printf("\t-b [baudrate]  \t--baudrate [baudrate]   \tSet baudrate(default=9600)\n");
00032   printf("\t-p (e/o/n)     \t--parity  (e/o/n)       \tSet parity to even odd or none(default=n)\n");
00033   printf("\t-d [dbits]     \t--data   [dbits]        \tSet the number of data bits.\n");
00034   printf("\t-s [sbits]     \t--stop   [sbits]        \tSet the number of stop bits.\n");
00035   printf("\t-e (r/n/rn/nr) \t--endline (r/n/rn/nr)   \tSet the string new-line character is replaced with. r = \\r n= \\n \n");
00036   printf("\nReport bugs to\n");
00037 }

void parseCmdLineArgs int    argc,
char **    argv

Definition at line 40 of file cms/

Referenced by main().

00041 {
00042   int opt=0;
00043   int option_index;
00044   static struct option long_options[] =
00045   {
00046     {"verbose", 0, 0, 'v' },
00047     {"version", 0, 0, 'V' },
00048     {"baudrate", 1, 0, 'b' },
00049     {"data", 1, 0, 'd' },
00050     {"stop", 1, 0, 's' },
00051     {"endlline", 1, 0, 'e' },
00052     {"parity", 1, 0, 'p' },
00053     {"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
00054     {0, 0, 0, 0}
00055   };
00056   while (1)
00057     {
00059       opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, "vVb:d:s:e:p:h",
00060                          long_options, &option_index);
00061       if (opt == -1)
00062         break;
00064       switch (opt)
00065         {
00066         default:
00067           printf("Invalid option !!!\n");
00068           printCmdLineHelp(argv[0]);
00069           exit(-1);
00070           break;
00072         case 'h':
00073           printCmdLineHelp(argv[0]);
00074           exit(0);
00075           break;
00077         case 'v':
00078           verbosity++;
00079           break;
00082         case 'V':
00083           printf("EMC ECI server %s ("__DATE__") \n", ident);
00084           exit(0);
00085           break;
00087         case 'b':
00088           if(optarg)
00089             {
00090               settings.baud_rate = strtol(optarg,0,0);
00091             }
00092           else
00093             {
00094               printf("Invalid arguments!!");
00095               printCmdLineHelp(argv[0]);
00096               exit(-1);
00097             }
00098           break;
00101         case 's':
00102           if(optarg)
00103             {
00104               settings.stop_bits = strtol(optarg,0,0);
00105             }
00106           else
00107             {
00108               printf("Invalid arguments!!");
00109               printCmdLineHelp(argv[0]);
00110               exit(-1);
00111             }
00112           break;
00114         case 'd':
00115           if(optarg)
00116             {
00117               settings.data_bits = strtol(optarg,0,0);
00118             }
00119           else
00120             {
00121               printf("Invalid arguments!!");
00122               printCmdLineHelp(argv[0]);
00123               exit(-1);
00124             }
00125           break;
00127         case 'e':
00128           if(optarg)
00129             {
00130               if(!strcmp("n",optarg))
00131                 {
00132                   endline_str="\n";
00133                 }
00134               else if(!strcmp("r",optarg))
00135                 {
00136                   endline_str="\r";
00137                 }
00138               else if(!strcmp("rn",optarg))
00139                 {
00140                   endline_str="\r\n";
00141                 }
00142               else if(!strcmp("nr",optarg))
00143                 {
00144                   endline_str="\n\r";
00145                 }               
00146               else
00147                 {
00148                   printf("Invalid arguments!!");
00149                   printCmdLineHelp(argv[0]);
00150                   exit(-1);
00151                 }             
00152             }
00153           else
00154             {
00155               printf("Invalid arguments!!");
00156               printCmdLineHelp(argv[0]);
00157               exit(-1);
00158             }
00159           break;
00161         case 'p':
00162           if(optarg)
00163             {
00164               switch(optarg[0])
00165                 {
00166                 case 'e':
00167                 case 'E':
00168                   settings.use_parity = 1;
00169                   settings.even_parity = 1;
00170                   break;
00172                 case 'o':
00173                 case '0':
00174                   settings.use_parity = 1;
00175                   settings.even_parity = 0;
00176                   break;
00178                 case 'n':
00179                 case 'N':
00180                   settings.use_parity = 0;
00181                   settings.even_parity = 0;
00182                   break;
00184                 default:
00185                   printf("Invalid arguments!!");
00186                   printCmdLineHelp(argv[0]);
00187                   exit(-1);
00188                 }                 
00189             }
00190           else
00191             {
00192               printf("Invalid arguments!!");
00193               printCmdLineHelp(argv[0]);
00194               exit(-1);
00195             }
00196           break;
00197         }
00198     }
00201   if(optind != argc-1)
00202     {
00203       printf("Invalid option !!! ");
00204       for(int i = optind>0?optind:0; i< argc; i++)
00205         {
00206           printf("%s ",argv[i]);
00207         }
00208       printf("\n");
00209       printCmdLineHelp(argv[0]);
00210       exit(-1);
00211     }
00212   ttyDevName =strdup(argv[optind]);
00213 }

const char* convertToGraph const char *    in,
char *    out,
int    max

Definition at line 216 of file cms/

Referenced by main().

00217 {
00218   if(0 == in || 0 == out)
00219     {
00220       return 0;
00221     }
00222   const char *iptr = in;
00223   char *optr = out;
00224   const char * const i_end = in+max;
00225   const char * const o_end = out+max;
00226   while( iptr < i_end)
00227     {
00228       char ci = *iptr;
00229       if(isgraph(ci))
00230         {
00231           *optr = ci;
00232           optr++;
00233         }
00234       else
00235         {
00236           optr += sprintf(optr,"<0x%X>",ci);
00237         }
00238       iptr++;
00239     }
00240   *optr = 0;
00241   return out;
00243 }

int main int    argc,
char **    argv

Definition at line 246 of file cms/

00247 {
00248   fd_set readfds;
00249   settings.baud_rate=9600;
00250   settings.data_bits=8;
00251   settings.stop_bits=1;
00252   settings.use_parity=0;
00253   settings.even_parity=0;
00255   parseCmdLineArgs(argc,argv);
00257   if (argc < 2)
00258     {
00259       fprintf (stderr,
00260                "ttytest usage: DeviceName [BaudRate] [DataBits] [StopBits] [Parity(e/o/n)] [Debug(y/n)]\n");
00261       fprintf (stderr, "Example: ttytest /dev/ttyb 9600 8 1 n n\n");
00262       exit (-1);
00263     }
00264   RCS_SERIAL_PORT_HANDLE handle =
00265     open_serial_communications_port (ttyDevName);
00266   if(handle <= 0)
00267     {
00268       exit(-1);
00269     }
00270   if(verbosity >= 1)
00271     {
00272       printf("\nOriginal settings:\n");
00273       print_serial_port_configuration (handle);
00274       printf("\n");
00275     }
00277   set_serial_port_configuration (handle, &settings);
00278   if(verbosity >= 1)
00279     {
00280       printf("\nNew settings:\n");
00281       print_serial_port_configuration (handle);
00282       printf("\n");
00283     }
00284   char buf[256];
00285   char buf2[256];
00286   char answer[20];
00287   memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
00288   int newline_received = 0;
00289   int recieve_first = 0;
00290   char last_last_byte=0;
00292   int max_fileno = STDIN_FILENO>handle?STDIN_FILENO:handle;
00293   max_fileno++;
00294   FD_ZERO(&readfds);
00295   while (1)
00296     {
00297       int select_ret;
00298       FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO,&readfds);
00299       FD_SET(handle, &readfds);
00300       select_ret = select(max_fileno,&readfds,0,0,0);
00301       if(FD_ISSET(handle,&readfds))
00302         {
00303           memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf));
00304           int bytes_read = read_serial_communications_port (handle, buf, sizeof(buf));
00305           if (bytes_read != 0)
00306             {
00307               if (verbosity >= 1)
00308                 {
00309                   printf ("\nbytes_read = %d\n", bytes_read);
00310                 }
00311               for (int i = 0; i < bytes_read; i++)
00312                 {
00313                   if (buf[i] == '\n' || buf[i] == '\r')
00314                     {
00315                       newline_received = 1;
00316                     }
00317                 }
00319               if(verbosity >= 1)
00320                 {
00321                   printf("\n<recvd>%s</recvd>\n",convertToGraph(buf,buf2,bytes_read));
00322                 }
00323               char *cr_ptr = strchr(buf,'\r');
00324               while(cr_ptr >= buf && cr_ptr < buf + sizeof(buf))
00325                 {
00326                   *cr_ptr = '\n';
00327                   cr_ptr = strchr(cr_ptr,'\r');
00328                 }
00329               fputs(buf,stdout);
00330               fflush(stdout);
00331             }
00332         }
00333           if (FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &readfds))
00334             {
00335               memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf));
00336               fgets (buf, sizeof(buf)-2, stdin);
00337               char *endline_ptr = buf +strlen(buf);
00338               if(*(endline_ptr -1) == '\n' ||
00339                  *(endline_ptr -1) == '\r')
00340                 {
00341                   endline_ptr--;
00342                 }
00343               strcpy(endline_ptr,endline_str);
00344               int bytes_sent = write_serial_communications_port (handle, buf, strlen (buf));
00345               if(verbosity >= 1)
00346                 {
00347                   printf("\nbytes_sent=%d\n",bytes_sent);
00348                   printf("\n<sent>%s</sent>\n",convertToGraph(buf,buf2,bytes_sent));
00349                 }
00350               newline_received = 0;
00351               memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
00352             }
00353     }
00354 }

Generated on Sun Dec 2 15:58:04 2001 for rcslib by doxygen1.2.11.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001