EMC 2004 Board of Directors Election


The election concluded the evening of 01 August 2004. The following were elected to the board.

Ray Henry
Paul Corner
Jon Elson
John Kasunich

Matt Shaver, who was elected president at the 2004 EMC Fest, is the fifth member of the board.

Election Results for EMC "Board of Directors"


I would like to report on the tallies for the first Board of Directors election.

On Thusday July 22nd, ballots were emailed to 369 eligible email addresses, with approximately 22 bounces (no such user, mailbox full, etc.)

As of this evening, 58 ballots were returned. Only one was disqualified for having 5 candidate names. There was only one spelling error, but I went ahead and counted it anyway.

But anyway, approximately a 16% return of ballots.

The tallies were:

Paul Corner 47
Jon Elson 32
Dan Falk 12
Ray Henry 50
John Kasunich 31
Steve Stallings 20
Les Watts 22

So, congratulations to the EMC Board of Directors, consisting of
Ray Henry
Paul Corner
Jon Elson
John Kasunich

-Chris Daniel thalx@aldor.com functioning as emc-elections this year.

Nominees for EMC "Board of Directors"

Nominations and Seconds should be submitted to the emc-users mailing list. Deadline for nominations is 18 July 2004.

Note that Matt Shaver is the "president" of the EMC users group (as elected at NAMES) and as such is already a member of the board for 2004. The election is to fill the remaining four positions.

Member Name: Nominated by: Seconded by: Willing to serve:
Paul Corner Jon Elson Ted Rollins? / John Kasunich yes
Ray Henry Jon Elson Ted Rollins? / Dave Engvall yes
Les Watts Steve Stallings Paul Corner yes
John Kasunich Steve Stallings Chris Daniel yes
Jon Elson Steve Stallings John Kasunich yes
Steve Stallings Paul Corner John Kasunich yes
Dan Falk Paul Corner Ron Wickersham yes

This election was set in motion by decisions at NAMES and is described by the announcement below which was sent by our "president" to both the USERS and DEVELOPERS mailing lists.

Fellow EMC Users and Developers,

During NAMES/EMC_Monday/Fest those present decided that we need a board of directors to help coordinate the many activities surrounding the EMC. You can read some excellent notes written by Steve Stallings at:


During extended discussion at Fest, some wanted a way to protect EMC (GPL issues), some wanted a way to direct development efforts, some wanted a way to attract funding. Reaction was favorable to a way to "represent the community" but chilly to official structures.

EMC has generated quite a bit of interest among businesses who build and sell CNC machines. Sherline has been shipping mills for more than a year. Smithy showed a prototype mill at NAMES this year. Many other business build or are prototyping devices to work with and extend the functionality of EMC. We feel that a board that acts as a "steering committee" will begin to pull together or focus many of the individual efforts into a more cohesive product.

There was a brief discussion of how to move this decision forward on IRC Sunday 6/19/04 and this post is the result of that discussion.

"Members of the board would try to provide a cohesiveness to guide EMC and represent EMC to the wider community."

This board WILL: 1. develop an EMC mission statement
2. oversee the move towards GPL
3. persue GPL infringments, etc.
4. oversee relationships with business and industrial users.
5. maintain a prioritized list of features to be added
6. establish broad guidelines for testing and release of EMC

This board will NOT:
1. form itself into a formal entity
2. accept contributions

By virtue of your membership on this list, you are entitled to nominate, second nominations, and vote (once if you are on both lists).

Nominations, seconds, and discussion will be on list and will be open until 12 pm GMT, July 18, 04.

The vote will be handled by an impartial person who will send a ballot with all qualified candidates to each of you. You should vote for four candidates and return the ballot before 12 PM GMT, August 1. The vote will then be counted and members of the board announced to both lists.

Matt Shaver

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