EMC Bylaws

Bylaws of the Enhanced Machine Control Board of Directors


1. Email to the board will include all directors at the addresses that will be shown properly mangled at http://linuxcnc.org/Boardofdirectors/index.html.

2. The board list is emc-board@lists.sourceforge.net

3. The board IRC is irc.freenode.net /join #emc-board

4. The official bug tracker is found at https://sourceforge.net/projects/emc/ under the menu item Bugs. This listing shows reported bugs, priority, and person assigned the task of coordination of effort toward fixing the bug.

5. The official feature request tracker is found at https://sourceforge.net/projects/emc/ under the menu item RFE. This listing shows requested features, the priority assigned to each, and the person assigned the task of coordination of effort toward implementing the feature.


1. Board business may be conducted by email to the directors, list, or IRC.

2. Except as noted in #5 below, motions must be published to emc-board@lists.sourceforge.net at least seven days before the close of voting. The subject line must include "Moved that" and a brief description of the nature of the motion.

3. Motions must be seconded within one day of posting or they fail.

4. An email reply to the motion with an, aye, or nay at the top constitutes a vote. If all of the directors vote before the scheduled close of voting, the motion will carry or fall as soon as the last director votes.

5. In the event of an IRC meeting with at least 4 of the five board members present, motions may be proposed, seconded, and voted upon during the IRC session. A post to the list with a formal statement of the motion, the seconder, and the vote count will record the business.

6. A simple majority of the board will be accepted as sufficient to accept or deny a motion except as noted in #7 below. If one or more board members fail to register a vote within the allotted time, it shall be taken as an abstention".

7. A motion to change these rules (bylaws) must carry by a vote of four directors and must be conducted on list.



The EMC Board uses both bug and feature trackers at SourceForge.

1. Additions to lists are open to anyone.

2. Initial posts to lists will enter at the lowest priority.

3. Initial posts are copied to the emc-developer list.

4. The rank of tasks and assignment of coordinators will be edited during business meetings of the board.

5. Board action is reflected in the "priority" and "assigned to" columns for each tracker within 24 hours of the actions.

For questions about EMC and integration with Linux, please see our mailing lists

For comments or questions about this web site, please see our contact info

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