C A M S ------- NC Parts Programming System Copyright (C) 1987,...1993 by Computer Geometry Company Welcome to the growing ranks of NC part programmers and machine shop owners who want proven NC part programming capability at a reasonable cost. CAMS is a part programming system that has been in use at Computer Geometry Company and other selected sites for over 10 years. It has been proven on hundreds of workpieces machined on more than a score of NC machines with various controls. CAMS is a language and a computer program designed for use in generating machine control data for numerically controlled machine tools. It will accept a sequence of statements in the language (called a "part program") which defines the absolute quantities (dimensions) and shape of a workpiece. It will use this information to calculate a cutter center location path. The cutter center path is then processed by another computer program (called a "postprocessor") into instructions for a specific machine tool which will accurately machine the workpiece. It can work for you. CAMS has been developed to operate on any IBM/PC or PC compatible computing equipment that supports the MS-DOS or PC-DOS operating system. A minimum computer configuration consists of a central processing unit (CPU) containing at least 256K bytes of RAM memory, a keyboard, a CRT display, an 80-column system printer, and at least two floppy disks. While this configuration will work, performance of the CAMS system will be optimized if a minimum of 512K RAM-disk is available for the CAMS working file device. CAMS DISTRIBUTION NOTICE ------------------------ Computer Geometry Company is distributing CAMS via the "SHAREWARE" concept. If, after a reasonable trial period, you decide to use the product, we will TRUST you to send the requested $95.00 payment. You may obtain a copy of the latest CAMS evaluation system by sending $10.00 to Computer Geometry Company to cover the cost of diskettes, mailer, and postage. Computer Geometry Co. will send you the latest version of CAMS immediately by first class mail. You may also receive a copy of CAMS by sending $95.00. This will make you a "registered" owner. All registered owners of CAMS will receive a loose leaf copy of the Part Programmer's Manual that contains all of the information in this disk version of the manual, including the diagrams and illustrations that could not 1 be included on the distribution diskette. In addition, registered owners receive notification of new program updates, releases, and additions, including the availability of new postprocessors. They also receive priority consideration when requesting postprocessors for machine tools not already covered by Computer Geometry products. If, after all this, you still decide not to send the payment, you are still encouraged to copy and distribute CAMS to your associates with the following restrictions: 1. CAMS is distributed as a complete set. Do not alter, or delete any program files from the distribution copies. 2. No charge is to be made for copying or distributing CAMS, other than a reasonable copying fee not to exceed $10.00. 3. Commercial sale of CAMS in any manner is prohibited without Computer Geometry Company's written permission. 4. The printed manual may not be copied or reproduced in any way. CAMS is a SHAREWARE NC Part Programming software product. It is NOT in the public domain, nor is it free. You are granted a limited license to use CAMS for the purpose of testing its suitability for your Numerical Control use. After a reasonable trial period, to continue using the product, you must become a registered user by paying a registration fee of $95.00 to Computer Geometry Co. Registration entitles you to an up-to-date version of CAMS on diskette, a current illustrated manual, and program support for one year. Thank you for your support. (California residents add 8.5% sales tax.) THE CAMS DISTRIBUTION DISK -------------------------- The distribution diskette contains the files necessary to execute the CAMS NC parts programming system. The list of files on the diskettes are... CAMSEXE.EXE Executing this program will produce the following CAMS working software modules... CAMS.EXE This is the CAMS command module. It creates the CAMS interactive working environment, providing you with easy access to all of the software tools needed to generate NC machine control data. CAMS.HLP The help file used with CAMS.EXE. 2 CAMS1.EXE The CAMS input translation phase. CAMS2.EXE The CAMS path generation phase. CAMS.TBL The vocabulary table for CAMS. Must be present on the default drive for CAMS to function. CAMSXRF.EXE The CAMS cross reference listing generator. VIDEOPP.EXE A plotting postprocessor for the PC screen ????????.NC Sample CAMS part programs. CAMSMAN.EXE Executing this program will generate the two CAMS reference manuals included in this distribution, CAMSMAN.TXT and VIDEOPP.TXT. README.1ST Contains installation recommendations, last minute details, and a description of the terms and conditions under which this shareware distribution is made. FILE_ID.DIZ A one-paragraph description of CAMS. ORDERF.ORM An order form for CAMS. It is strongly recommended that working copies of the distribution diskette be made. The original should be placed in archival storage, to be used to replace aging and defective working copies in the future. THE CAMS MANUALS ---------------- Two reference manuals accompany this distribution, the CAMS Part Programmer's Reference Manual and the PC Video Postprocessor Reference Manual. They are in compressed form contained in the file CAMSMAN.EXE on the distribution diskette. Please unpack and review them before you commit too much effort to "running in the dark". To unpack them, simply execute CAMSMAN.EXE by entering... C>CAMSMAN Be sure you have approximately 200K of free disk space before you execute CAMSMAN.EXE Unfortunately, when you print them, these manuals will have blank areas on some of the pages which are there for sketches and illustrations of the CAMS concepts. It is impractical to include these drawings on the distribution diskette. When you become a 3 registered user of CAMS, you will receive a hard-copy version of the manual containing all such drawings. THE CAMS COMMAND PROCESSOR We are happy to inform you that a new, highly interactive command processor has been developed for CAMS. This processor establishes a complete working environment for the development of CAMS part programs for numerical control; from text editing of the source program to transmission of the results to the machine tool. (IMPORTANT NOTE: not all of the programs required to accomplish these tasks are provided with CAMS. Instead, the command processor is designed to allow you to include your favorite programs into the working environment.) The command program consists of an interactive windowing system in text mode which provides a dynamic set of menus used to perform all of the functions necessary to convert, edit, view, and postprocess NC programs for the Ingersoll Duplex Roll Neck Milling Machine. The program is mouse-aware, but does not require a mouse to operate it. It can be configured to operate properly on any IBM/PC or PC compatible machine running under PC/DOS or MS/DOS, version 3.0 or later. Configuration options are available to allow you to set the program colors to suit your own preference, and to provide operating parameters for plotting programs both to the PC display and to a plotter connected to the PC. (Note: these viewing and plotting options are available from Computer Geometry Company at a nominal cost.) CAMS may also be used to use any text editor that gets the edit file from the DOS command line; e.g. the DOS command: C>>KEDIT A:\M179890A.PRG would execute the KEDIT text editor, editing the file M179890A.PRG from the root directory on the diskette disk drive A. CAMS is capable of using such an editor. Similarly, any file browser that obtains its file name from the command line may be used. The details of how the working set of PC programs you use for your NC parts programming activities will become more apparent as you read through this section. A manual is not available at this time for the command processor, however its operation is largely self explanatory, and extensive context-sensitive help is available throughout the menu structure. The most important thing to do is to set up the configuration to your liking. The configuration is saved in a file that is kept in the same directory as the cams executables. The file name is CAMS.CFG. Should you make any mistakes that seem to get you in trouble, simply erase that file and start over 4 again. Should you require telephone assistance in getting the CAMS command processor operating, please feel free to call Computer Geometry between the hours 7:00 AM ... 4:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. The telephone number is (805) 252-4938. CAMS INSTALLATION ----------------- Installation of CAMS on a hard disk is very simple. It is recommended that you install as follows... 1. Put the CAMS distribution diskette into drive A: 2. Be sure you are logged onto your hard disk (C:) 3. Create a CAMS subdirectory by entering the commands... C>MD CAMS C>CD CAMS 4. Copy all files from the distribution diskette... C:\CAMS>COPY A:*.* 5. Unpack and print the reference manuals... C:\CAMS>CAMSMAN C:\CAMS>PRINT CAMSMAN.TXT C:\CAMS>PRINT VIDEOPP.TXT 6. Unpack the executable program modules... C:\CAMS>CAMSEXE 7. Run a CAMS test case... C:\CAMS>CAMS and watch the fun. Use HELP liberally (function key F1) until you become familiar with CAMS operations. Be sure to set up your working configuration before you execute a CAMS test case (ref. menu item "Configure"). 8. Fill out the order form, sign the check and send it to Computer Geometry Company. Then delete the files not needed for your NC activities... C:\CAMS>ERASE *.TXT C:\CAMS>ERASE CAMSMAN.EXE C:\CAMS>ERASE CAMSEXE.EXE C:\CAMS>ERASE README.1ST C:\CAMS>ERASE ORDERF.ORM 5 Installation of CAMS on a dual floppy disk only system is similar, but a little more involved. (Note: a single floppy disk system is not recommended)... 1. Format a blank diskette with DOS on it, name it "CAMS305". With the DOS system diskette in A: and the blank diskette in B:, enter the following... A>FORMAT A:/S/V 2. Unpack the working CAMS files to the newly formatted diskette. Place the new diskette in A:, and place the CAMS distribution diskette in drive B: and enter the following... A>B:CAMSEXE A>DIR The directory you get should look similar to this (dates, file sizes and file order may vary)... Volume in drive A is CAMS305 Directory of A:\ COMMAND COM 23210 3-07-85 1:43p CAMS EXE CAMS TBL 1408 12-05-87 11:28a CAMS1 EXE 95047 5-04-88 10:20a CAMS2 EXE 90355 5-09-88 10:38a CAMSXRF EXE 15360 12-04-89 7:58a VIDEOPP EXE 64046 12-27-87 9:13p CAMS HLP 4823 1-25-88 6:27a 8 File(s) 24064 bytes free 3. Format another blank diskette without DOS. This will be your working diskette. Copy the two test cases to this diskette. When you are thru, the directory should look something like this... Volume in drive B has no label Directory of B:\ CAMPLATE NC 1536 12-22-87 10:24a THINGMJ NC 896 12-26-87 7:37a 2 File(s) 359424 bytes free 4. With the system diskette in A:, and the working diskette in B:, enter the command... A>CAMS and watch the fun. Use HELP liberally (function key F1) until you become familiar with CAMS operations. Be sure to set up your working configuration before you 6 execute a CAMS test case (ref. menu item "Configure"). 5. Run a CAMS test case. 6. Fill out the order form, sign the check and send it to Computer Geometry Company. CAMS Cross Reference -------------------- A cross reference listing generator (CAMSXRF.EXE) has been included as part of the CAMS software. Cross references can be of significant help when debugging a CAMS part program. CAMSXRF will generate a listing of the part program with each source line numbered. This will be followed by a sorted listing of the variable symbol names you have used in the program, each with a sorted list of the line numbers on which that symbol appears. To execute the CAMSXRF program, you can first simply enter its name, as follows: C>CAMSXRF ======================================== C A M S Cross Reference Generator Version 1, Modification 00 Copyright 1989 by Computer Geometry Co. All Rights Reserved ======================================== Usage: camsxrf [-o outfile] infiles Default input filetype is: ".nc" Default output filename is: ".x" In this case, the program does not know what you want to do, so it produces a "usage" listing on the PC console. Usage indicates that you can optionally enter the name of an output file by first entering the switch "-o", followed by a space, followed by the output file path\name.extension. You may include any number of input file names up to the DOS command line limit of 128 characters. The spaces between the items on the command line are significant. Should you not elect to use the "-o" switch, then the default listing file name will be the same as that of the first input file, followed by the ".x" extension. Therefore, to produce a cross reference listing for the part program used in the CAMS reference manual, the following command line would be used: C>CAMSXRF THINGMJ for which the program will use the input file THINGMJ.NC and produce the output listing THINGMJ.X. 7 POSTPROCESSORS -------------- Postprocessing is the final computer operation in the CAMS system. The postprocessor is yet another computer program that converts the machine-independent tool path and auxilliary function records in the CL data file (as calculated by CAMS2) into the machine-specific control instructions necessary to cut out the workpiece. The diversity of machines/controller combinations makes the preparation of a library of postprocessors an order of magnitude larger task than the development of an NC programming system. In other words, THIS IS WHERE ALL THE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT WORK IS. It is expected that the average user of CAMS only has a small handfull of NC machines in his shop inventory. For this situation, one or more "custom" postprocessors is most likely to be the most effective and least costly solution to the dilemma. COMPUTER GEOMETY'S POSTPROCESSOR POLICY: Computer Geometry regards postprocessor development as a major segment of our business. It is our policy to apply our best efforts to providing high quality, low cost postprocessing capability to all of the registered CAMS users that request it. If a postprocessor is not currently available for a registered user's need, we will bend every effort to prepare one in a timely and cost-effective manner. As a registered user with a need, however, you must recognize that you have a responsibility to provide the machine and/or controller manuals, test data, and acceptance testing required to produce a good postprocessor. (The manuals are returned to you upon completion of the postprocessor development.) This team approach is necessary to preparing the best possible NC program ming system for your machine shop. CURRENTLY AVAILABLE VERSION 3 POSTPROCESSORS (Partial Listing): ACRO7PP Acroloc VII Machining Center with Fanuc 3000C Controller BANDT1PP Hasbach BANDIT Level 1 Controller BANDT2PP Hasbach BANDIT Level 2 Controller BANDT3PP Hasbach BANDIT Level 3 Controller BOSS4PP Bridgeport Series 1 CNC with BOSS 4.0 Controller BOSS6PP Bridgeport Series 2 CNC with BOSS 6.0 Controller BPSER1 Bridgeport Series 1 CNC with Bridgeport Controller 8 BPSER2 Bridgeport Series 2 CNC with Bridgeport Controller CMI950PP Cincinnati Milacron T-Line horizontal machining center with Acramatic 950 controller (T-10, T-20, T-30, T-40, T-50) FADALPP Fadal VMC 40 / VMC 4020 Machining Centers KURAKIPP Kuraki KV Series Vertical Machining Centers with Fanuc 10M/11M Controller LINDEPP Linde shape (flame) cutting machine with UCNC/7/8 DIAL-IN II controller MATMX2PP Matsuura MC-500V Vertical Machining Centers with Yasnak MX2 controller MAT6MBPP Matsuura MC-1000V Vertical Machining Centers with Fanuc 6MB controller MATF3KPP Matsuura MC-1000V Vertical Machining Centers with Fanuc 3000 controller ROKU0PP Roku-Roku Model Vertimac-0 Vertical Machining Center with Fanuc System 5M Controller STRIPP Strippit Fabricenter 750, 1000, and 1250 tape controlled turret punching and notching machines. TOYODAPP Toyoda FH40/FH45/FH55 Horizontal Machining Centers with Fanuc 11M Controller PIXYPP Mannesmann Tally PIXY 1 and PIXY 3 Desktop Plotters EPSONPP Epson HI-80 8-1/2 x 11 Plotter/Printer HPGLPP Hewlett-Packard Graphic Language postprocessor; services a host of plotting devices. TEKTPP Tektronix 4006/4020 storage tube devices; plotting postprocessor. VIDEO2 A highly interactive CL file reviewing utility with menus, cutter displays, context-sensitive help. 9 CAMS1 - Version 3.01 - Fixes and Enhancements --------------------------------------------- 06-Jan-88 An infinitely recurring error message ("PUNCTUATION ERROR") when attempting to define an out-of-range symbol, i.e. the bad symbol is just before the equal sign. 19-Apr-88 Added the 2D SPLINE as a viable canonical curve. 22-Apr-88 Added point definitions based on 2D SPLINE. Also added offset splines. 28-Apr-88 Added line definitions based on 2D SPLINE. CAMS2 - Version 3.01 - Fixes and Enhancements --------------------------------------------- 01-Feb-88 Added the use of a point as a pseudo-circle in the GO/... startup statement. 24-Apr-88 Modified GO/ startup capability to include the 2D SPLINE. 28-Apr-88 Added contour drives (GLF, GRT, GFW, GBK) and tool-to- curve relations (TLF, TON, TRG). CAMS1 - Version 3.02 - Fixes and Enhancements --------------------------------------------- 01-Jul-88 Added block data subroutine to fix PERP and PARL problems 03-Jul-88 Added circle defined by three lines. 18-Aug-88 Added thick (THK/) statement to the CAMS vocabulary. 12-Oct-88 Added elapsed time calculation to end of listing. CAMS2 - Version 3.02 - Fixes and Enhancements --------------------------------------------- 07-Jul-88 Corrected problem in circular arc drives. 17-Jul-88 Corrected problem in forward motion on circular arc drives. 23-Jul-88 Corrected failure of TRA/OFF to turn off the transfor mation. 27-Jul-88 Corrected plane offset calculation and added 'PART SURFACE CALCULATION FAILED' error message. 10 27-Jul-88 Corrected COPY failure in section 2. 19-Aug-88 Added thick (THK/) statement to the CAMS vocabulary. 19-Aug-88 Corrected CL print error for PNO/ & PPR/ longer than 68 characters. 12-Oct-88 Added elapsed time calculation to end of listing. CAMS1 - Version 3.03 - Fixes and Enhancements --------------------------------------------- 04-24-89 Added definition and machining of point patterns. 08-02-89 Added definition of GRID patterns. 09-01-89 Added execution path search for "CAMS.TBL" vocabulary. 09-11-89 Corrected circular patterns to use the programmed Z coordinate. CAMS2 - Version 3.03 - Fixes and Enhancements --------------------------------------------- 04-24-89 Added machining of point patterns. 09-01-89 Added execution path search for "CAMS.TBL" vocabulary. CAMS1 - Version 3.04 - Fixes and Enhancements --------------------------------------------- 01-18-90 Added REF/ (reference system) capability to CAMS1. Established 'GEO.PRM' inclusion file for geometry types. 01-19-90 Corrected error in calculating matrix inverses, especially with regard to MAT/ definitions. 01-19-90 Added the ability to input defined points in spline (SPL/) definitions. 01-21-90 Added GET/ function for file inclusion. 01-22-90 Added the function for canonical replacement of geometric formats (CAN). 01-22-90 Added the function for variable symbol input for symbolic names (e.g. "M[I1]=...". 03-28-90 Corrected a problem in calculating a line tangent to two circles. 11 CAMS2 - Version 3.05 - Fixes and Enhancements --------------------------------------------- 01-18-90 Established 'GEO.PRM' inclusion file for geometry types. 01-21-90 Corrected domain error from ATAN function in GO startup situation. 01-22-90 Updated calculation of forward direction vector for arc drives. 01-22-90 Corrected intermitent failures of drive terminations for arc drives. 03-27-90 Corrected failure of TGT case in GO/ startup calculations. 03-27-90 Corrected certain failures of TGT case in G??/ continuation motions. 04-14-90 Added IN,OUT, and ON options to the HLX/ statement. 07-21-91 Removed case sensitivity from vocabulary parsing. 07-21-91 Corrected problem causing the 'write beyond end-of- file' error message during pocketing operations. 11-23-92 Added the CAMS.EXE command processor to the CAMS package 12-06-92 Improved tolerence checks for geometry definition calculations. 12-21-92 Added definition of a circle defined thru three points on its circumference. 12-21-92 Added definition of a circle defined thru two points on its circumference. 03-24-92 Added help to the CAMS.EXE command processor. 12 DISCLAIMER ---------- CAMS comes with no warranties, expressed or implied, of any kind; it is available as-is. Computer Geometry Company would like to be informed of any problems that users of the program encounter, but makes no promise or guarantee that such problems will be fixed. In no event will Computer Geometry Company be liable for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, failure to perform, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use, or inability to use, the program, even if Computer Geometry has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. Computer Geometry Co. - 26624 Whispering Leaves - Newhall, CA 91321 (805) 252-4938 13