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public class ActorManager
extends Object

Variable Index

 o actors
 o owner

Constructor Index

 o ActorManager(Gamelet)

Method Index

 o addActor(Actor)
The Actor is added to a list of Actors to be added.
 o handleBBCollision(Actor, Actor)
Tell each Actor that they've collided with each other.
 o isActorAt(double, double)
Test if there is an actor at a specified position.
 o isActorIn(Rectangle)
Test if there is an actor within a specified Rectangle.
 o removeActor(Actor)
The Actor is added to a list of Actors to be removed.
 o removeAllActors()
Dump all references to Actors.
 o tick()
Add/delete Actors, send current Actors a tick message, and then perform collision detection.


 o owner
  protected Gamelet owner
 o actors
  public Vector actors


 o ActorManager
  public ActorManager(Gamelet theOwner)


 o addActor
  public void addActor(Actor theActor)
The Actor is added to a list of Actors to be added.
 o removeActor
  public void removeActor(Actor theActor)
The Actor is added to a list of Actors to be removed.
 o removeAllActors
  public void removeAllActors()
Dump all references to Actors. This is used when a game is restarted.
 o isActorAt
  public boolean isActorAt(double theX,
                           double theY)
Test if there is an actor at a specified position.
 o isActorIn
  public boolean isActorIn(Rectangle theRectangle)
Test if there is an actor within a specified Rectangle.
 o handleBBCollision
  protected void handleBBCollision(Actor a1,
                                   Actor a2)
Tell each Actor that they've collided with each other.
 o tick
  public void tick()
Add/delete Actors, send current Actors a tick message, and then perform collision detection.

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