Readme file for Mark Watson's Intelligent Java Applications book - updated for JDK1.2.2


Thank you for purchasing the new printing of my book! I wrote the example programs for this book over four years ago using the JDK1.01. This CD-ROM has been updated to work with JDK1.2.2 (tested under Windows NT and Linux). I tried to change the example programs as little as possible to maintain compatibility with the text.

When I wrote this book, I used Java applets for all of the examples. I now rarely use applets, favoring Java applications. I was tempted to rewrite the examples as applications, but I was concerned that such drastic changes would cause some confusion. However, the core AI classes can (obviously) be used in the reader's applications or applets.

The contents of the CD-ROM contains all the files in an uncompressed form and also everything in a ZIP file You can either copy the contents of the CD-ROM to a new directory on your hard disk (and delete, or copy the file to a new directory on your hard disk and UNZIP it. You might consider using the ZIP file if you have problems with files have "read only" permissions after copying the CD-ROM to your hard disk.

Note: the contents of this CD are also on my web site at the URL for file

Main book examples in the mwa directory

The batch file c.bat can be used to compile the entire mwa directory. (This directory is already compiled, but this batch file is provided in case you want to recompile everything.)

Run the example programs by typing (change "\" to "/" for Linux/UNIX):

Note: due to the new default Java security manager, the testURLdata test must have a local web server running.

Genetic Algorithm enhanced game

This example is Mark G. Tacchi's fantastic "asteroids" game with some simple changes to use a genetic algorythm to change the behavior of the enemy ships. Use the arrow keys to move the player ship and the space bar to fire.

The command file run.bat in the game directory is used to start the applet with the default security manager.

Jess - Ernest J. Friedman-Hill's Java expert system shell

Thanks to Ernest (and his employer Sandia National Laboratories) for making Jess publically available.

Due to licensing restrictions, you must fetch your own copy of Jess version 5.0 from Ernest's web site.

When you UNZIP the Jess distribution, you will get a directory Jess50 created. You must then copy the contents of JessStuff to the Jess distribution direrctory. The Jess distribution directory Jess50 now should contain the standard Jess distribution (please read the LICENSE file) with the addition of the *.clp example programs from the book in the Jess50 directory. Run the book examples (changed from the book text!) by typing:

Note that all of these examples have "(reset) (run)" added to the end of the file to automatically execute using Jess version 5. Also, for the diver examples, when answering Y or N you must use capital letters.