Field name - length - notes ----------------------------------- INDEX - 6 chars - record number, no leading zeros and spaces TAG - 1 char - T-trackpoing, C-waypoint, V-voicetagged point DATE - 6 chars - YYMMDD TIME - 6 chars - HHMMSS LATITUDE N/S - 10 chars - DD.DDDDDDN (last char: N or S) LONGITUDE E/W - 11 chars - DDD.DDDDDDE (E or W; degree is leftpadded to DDD by zero) HEIGHT - 5 chars - in meters SPEED - 4 chars - in km/h, no decimals :-( HEADING - 3 chars - degrees FIX MODE - 2 chars - 3D (I've never seen smth else) VALID - 4 chars - SPS or DGPS (SPS is padded with space) PDOP - 5 chars - XX.XX (no leading zeros if above 1) HDOP - 5 chars - XX.XX (no leading zeros if above 1) VDOP - 5 chars - XX.XX (no leading zeros if above 1) VOX - 9 chars - VOX00001 etc. - filename when TAG=V