# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- OpenDMTP Client Property file # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- serial port device configuration # - GPRS modem serial port device (set to appropriate device) cfg.xpo.port=ttyS0 cfg.xpo.debug=0 # - GPS receiver serial port device (set to appropriate device) cfg.gps.port=ttyUSB0 cfg.gps.debug=0 # --- connection parameters # - maximum number of total connections, duplex connections, and time frame # - ("1,1,0" means "no maximum") com.maxconn=1,1,0 # - absolute minimum time delay between transmissions com.mindelay=60 # - minimum time delay between transmissions for non-critical events com.minrate=60 # - maximum number of events to send per block during Duplex transmissions com.maxduplex=10 # - maximum number of events to send per block during Simplex transmissions # - ("0" means never send data via "Simplex") com.maxsimplex=0 # --- remote server/port # - change this to match the actual remote server name/port com.host=vpn.lab.unb.br com.port=31000 # --- Wireless airtime service provider config # - set these to the values required by your aritime service provider com.apnname=proxy com.apnserv=proxy # --- motion configuration # - definition of start of motion (ie. 10.0 kph) mot.start=10.0 # - seconds between in-motion messages mot.inmotion=120 # - definition of stop motion (ie. 300 seconds - 5 minutes) mot.stop=300 # - definition of 'dormant' (non-motion) time (ie. 1800 seconds - 30 minute) mot.dorm.rate=1800 # - how many 'dormant' messages to send (ie. 1 dormant message) mot.dorm.cnt=1 # --- custom geozones # - set these to the radius, latitude, & longitude, for geozones for which # - you want arrival/departure messages generated. The format is: # - ,, # - (The current limit is 4 geozones) cst.geof.1=0,0.0,0.0 cst.geof.2= cst.geof.3= cst.geof.4= # ---