----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project: OpenDMTP Reference Implementation - C client URL : http://www.opendmtp.org File : GumStix.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The GumStix single board computer (http://www.gumstix.com) makes a good reference platform for the OpenDMTP protocol and reference implementation. With the addition of a GPS device, it can be used to record tracking information which can be transmitted to a backend server, sent over BlueTooth, or recorded onto an SD flash card. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building for the GumStix platform: The OpenDMTP reference implementation already provides build targets for the GumStix platform. In order to build the OpenDMTP reference implementation for the GumStix platform, perform the following steps: 1) Follow the "Programming" documentation on the GumStix website to checkout and build the toolchain. This GumStix documentation is currently located at http://www.gumstix.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=programming http://docwiki.gumstix.org/Programming Here is a synopsis of the checkout/build process on a current Linux platform: svn co http://svn.gumstix.com/gumstix-buildroot/trunk gumstix-buildroot cd gumstix-buildroot make defconfig make This process can take an hour or 2 to complete, so be patient. 2) Modify the top-level OpenDMTP 'Makefile' and set the makefile variable "GSTX_PATH" to point to the actual location of your checked-out GumStix toolchain. 3) After making your desired customizations to the OpenDMTP project, build the executable by issuing the following command: make dest=gumstix dmtp The resulting executable ("dmtpd") will be placed in the current directory. 4) Transfer the file to the GumStix platform. This is best done using an SD flash card, or via 'scp' over a local network connection (USB, etc.). 5) Start the application on the GumStix. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configure the GumStix USB for Ethernet: The GumStix USB port can be configured to be used as an Ethernet connection to a Windows-XP machine by following these steps: On the GumStix: 1) Modify "/etc/network/interfaces": Change: iface usb0 inet dhcp To: iface usb0 inet static address netmask pre-up /sbin/modprobe g_ether; /sbin/modprobe af_packet post-down /sbin/modprobe -r g_ether 2) Reboot On Windows XP: 1) Plug in a USB cable between the GumStix and WindowsXP machine. 2) Load the "linux.inf" driver onto Windows-XP. - This can be found in the toolchain at the following location: /gumstix-buildroot/build_arm/linux-2.6.11gum/Documentation/usb/linux.inf - Choose to specify the driver yourself (don't have XP search for it). 3) Assign a fixed IP address to the network connection. - Goto "Network Connections" [Control Panel -> Network Connections]. - Find the new network connection for the GumStix via USB. (the network connection may present itself as "Local Area Connection 2") - Right-click on the network connection, then select "Properties". - Select "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)", then click "Properties". - Select "Use the following IP address:" - Enter IP address, network mask, click "OK". - Turn off the firewall for this network connection. 4) Reboot (if necessary). 5) Login via "ssh root@" ('ssh' can be obtained from the Cygwin project. 'PuTTY' can also be used.) File transfers to the GumStix can now be performed using 'scp' on a connected Windows-XP machine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Automatically starting the 'dmtpd' client at boot time: The OpenDMTP reference implementation project directory now includes some startup scripts for the GumStix. These can be found in the directory "gumstix/etc/init.d". The following files are included: gumstix/etc/init.d/S25dmtpd - automatic upgrade from SD on bootup gumstix/etc/init.d/S60dmtpd - start/stop script for dmtp client gumstix/etc/init.d/daemon.sh - common shell init tools Copy these files to the directory "/etc/init.d/" on your GumStix. The 'S25dmtpd' script now allows for automatic upgrade from an SD flash card on reboot. Just place the new 'dmtpd' client executable on an SD flash card in the directory "/install/dmtp/bin/", insert the SD card into the GumStix, and reboot. The new code will be installed, then the boot up process will pass control to 'S60dmtpd' to start the new code. The 'S60dmtpd' script will automatically start the dmtp client when the GumStix reboots. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please feel free to contact us regarding problems or issues with the above documentation and scripts. Thanks, Martin D. Flynn devstaff@opendmtp.org