# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Project: OpenDMTP Reference Implementation - C client # URL : http://www.opendmtp.org # File : props.conf # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - This file contains the typical minimal set of configuration required for # working on your Windows CE/Mobile platform. # - The property sets below marked "REQUIRED" must be set to valid values prior # to installation for a proper functioning system. The remaining values may # be left with there specified default. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- (REQUIRED) device id # - set the desired account/device id sta.account=opendmtp sta.device=mobile # --- (REQUIRED) network connectivity # - set the connection name to match that used by your device. com.connection=GPRS Cingular # - alternatively, manually configure all required values #com.apnname=WAP.CINGULAR #com.apnserv= #com.apnuser=WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM #com.apnpass=CINGULAR1 # --- (REQUIRED) server connectivity # - set the server host:port location # (NOTE: You must set this to a valid server host otherwise no data will be sent) #com.host=mydmtpserver com.port=31000 # --- GPS: comports # - set the serial port:bps of the GPS receiver # - (on the hw6945, this is COM7:57600) cfg.gps.port=COM7 cfg.gps.bps=57600 # --- GPS: minimum speed to consider as "moving" # - set this to the minimum sped required to report 'moving' # - (hw6945 has reported "moving" at 16.9 kph while on my desk) gps.minspd=17.0 # --- GPS sampling: standard mode # - Note: This does consume the battery much faster. It is recommended # - that the the hw6945 be attached to an auxiliary power source while the # - GPS receiver is in use. gps.smprate=7 gps.aquwait=0 # --- GPS sampling: power-save mode on hw6945 # - Note: The 'power-save' mode on the hw6945 is still under development # - and should not be used at this time. #gps.smprate=240 #gps.aquwait=180 # --- GPS: fix expiration gps.expire=900 # --- connection rate # - set the connection-accounting values required by the server. com.maxconn=30,30,60 com.mindelay=60 com.minrate=300 # - 'Simplex' (UDP) connections have not yet been fully tested, disable for now. com.maxduplex=8 com.maxsimplex=0 # --- motion start/stop/in-motion # - set the desired start, stop, and in-motion values mot.start=17.0 mot.stop=360 mot.inmotion=600 # --- dormant # - set the 'dormant' event values mot.dorm.rate=1800 mot.dorm.cnt=1 # --- excess speed # - set the 'excess speed' limit (default is to not report an excess speed) #mot.exspeed=70.0 # ---