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T24 group photo at the National Institute of Standards and Technology machine shop in Gaithersburg, MD. Behind the group is a DMG eVo-70 that was used during the meeting to manufacture the "Boxy" part held by Martin Hardwick.

Meeting Attendees: 1) Sid Venkatesh (Boeing), 2) Matthew Byrne (University of Michigan/Boeing), 3) Leon Xu (Boeing), 4) Rich Morihara (Boeing), 5) David Odendahl (Boeing), 6) Charles Stirk (PDES, Inc), 7) B E Lee, (NIST/Postech), 8) Magnus Lundgren (KTH), 9) Chris Pfeifer (CCAT), 10) Martin Hardwick (STEP Tools), 11) Larry Maggiano (Mitutoyo), 12) Mikael Hedlind (KTH), 13a) Michael McGlauflin (NIST, partially visible), 13b) Rob Garwood (Sandvik Coromant), 14) Fiona Zhao (NIST/University of Auckland), 15) Anna Valente (ITIA-CNR), 16) Alberto j. Alvares (Universidade de Brasilia), 17) Joao Carlos E. Ferreira (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), 18) David Loffredo (STEP Tools), 19) Fred Proctor (NIST), 20) Bengt Olsson (Sandvik Tooling), 21) Joe Fritz (STEP Tools).

Attendees not shown: Per-Arne Carlsson (Volvo, via telecon), Simon Frechette (NIST), Jeff Haller (Veritas CNC), John Horst (NIST), Paul Huang (US Army), Rob Ivester (NIST), Vincent Marchini (Ameritech, via telecon), John Michaloski (NIST), Shawn Moylan (NIST), Al Jones (NIST), Eric Whitenton (NIST).