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Meeting attendees. From left to right, front table: Christopher Bahns (Virtek Visions), Gavin Bee (Virtek Visions), Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete (Rensselaer at Hartford), Justin Lubell (Independent Quality Labs), Buzz Callaghan (Independent Quality Labs), Frederick Proctor (National Institute of Standards and Technology), Second table: Peter Klein (Concepts NREC), Tom Charkiewicz (MTI Systems, Inc), Leon Xu (Boeing), David Odendahl (Boeing), David Loffredo (STEP Tools Inc), Bruce Weiner (Geometric Software), Mark Conley (Remmele Engineering), Third table: Robert Eriksson (Pratt & Whitney), Charles Gilman (GE Global Research), Dong-Won Kim (Chonbuk National University), Gary Hargreaves (CNC Software, Inc), Jim Rodgers (Siemens Automation), Jim Kreitmeyer (Siemens Automation), Iulian Trifan (Siemens Aerospace), Back row: unknown (UTRC), unknown (UTRC), unknown (UTRC), Maureen Fang (Pratt & Whitney), unknown