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International STEP-NC Demonstration of Closed-Loop Machining, Feed Optimization, and Measurement

Meeting Presentations

T24 STEP-Manufacturing
October 1 - October 2, 2008
Hartford, Connecticut


Wednesday October 1st, 2008

Brian Kindiien, CCAT.

Introduction [ppt, 126k]
Sid Venkatesh, Boeing

Review of Latest STEP-NC Developments [ppt, 2.8m]
Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.

Introduction to Machining demonstration[ppt, 880k]
Bengt Olsson, Sandvik

Feed Speed Optimization [pdf, 500k]
Leon Xu, Boeing.

Demonstration: Impeller Machining followed by Measurement using Faro ARM

Final inspection using scanning probe [ppt, 1.3m]
Larry Maggiano, Mitutoyo

Demonstration: Closing the loop using STEP-NC
Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.

Correction of Tool Paths [ppt, 2.2m
Peter Klein, Concepts NREC

Panel Discussion: Top 10 value adds for STEP-NC
Facilitator - David Odendahl, Sid Venkatesh Boeing, David Loffredo STEP Tools, Fred Proctor NIST, Bengt Olsson Sandvik, Larry Maggiano Mitutoyo, Brian Kindilien CCAT


Thursday October 2nd, 2008

Review of AP-238 Technical Corrigendum [ppt, 288k]
David Loffredo, STEP Tools, Inc.

Case study; STEP-NC applied in heavy truck manufacturing [pdf, 3.5m]
Mikael Hedlind, KTH

Interfacing ISO 13399 and STEP-NC[ppt, 800k]
Bengt Olsson, Sandvik

Discussion: Machine tool modeling and simulation issues, Performance and precision requirements

Discussion: Measurement issues, Curve probing, Automating datum setup

Action items, plans for next meeting, Location, schedule, technical targets [rtf, 64k]
Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.