Standard external namespaces
Label/reference | namespace |
XML Schema | |
XLink | |
Notation and conventions of this schema
This rendering of the schema omits some details and follows the
following conventions:
- A qualified name (one with an explicit namespace declaration
and a local-name is represented
as {namespace}local-name. The text in curly brackets is descriptive
text or a link; the complete namespace
declaration is available in the underlying xml file for this schema.
- The
types of attributes and of simple elements (those not containing other
elements) are given in square
brackets (i.e. [{XML Schema}boolean] specifies the boolean type from
the standard XML Schema namespace. When not given, the
type of the attribute or simple node is {XML Schema}string.
- Unless
otherwise specified the subelements of an element belong to a sequence,
that is each listed subelement
occurs in the order specified by this schema.
- an extension of a
type is {<<type>>}
- a restriction of a type is
Parts of the stylesheet were inspired by the schema2xhtml.xsl stylesheet by Romeo Anghelache, copyleft GNU GPL, 2001, version 1.01