READMEJ.TXT File README file for FANUC Open CNC FOCAS1/Ethernet Libraries (C) Copyright FANUC LTD, 1999-2003. All Rights Reserved. This document provides the information about "FANUC Open CNC FOCAS1/Ethernet Libraries Edition 1.9". Please read this document information before using the software in this disk. (*) FOCAS1 : FANUC Open CNC API Specifications version 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Contents of the disk [2] File summary [3] Environment [4] Installation [5] Redistributable software -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual C#, .NET, Windows, Windows NT are the registered trademarks of Microsoft corporation, USA. (*) This software which you have can be copied only in your development site if necessary. However, the copyright of this software is owned by FANUC LTD. and you may not redistribute all or part of this software to others for the purpose of application development. ========================================================================== [1] Contents of the disk ========================================================================== This disk set has the following folder structures. Please copy the necessary files to your hard disk. See the "[4] Installation" for detailed description. *** A02B-0207-K732#ZZ07-1 *** (Libraries) README.TXT : This file READMEJ.TXT : Japanese document file <\DATAWIN> FWLIB.EXE : This is self-extracting archived file for CNC/PMC Data window libraries. This file is divided into the following files by extraction. FWLIB32.DLL : CNC/PMC Data window control library FWLIBE1.DLL : This is a library for TCP/IP, which is called by FWLIB32.DLL at run-time. FWLIB32.LIB : Import library FWPMCALM.INI : Alarm message file for PMC FWLIB32.H : C/C++/C++ .NET header file for CNC/PMC data window functions and structures for FS15i/16i/18i/21i/0i-B/Power Mate i FWLIB32.BAS : Visual Basic header file for CNC/PMC data window functions and structures for FS15i/16i/18i/21i/0i-B/Power Mate i FWLIB32.CS : Visual C# .NET header file for CNC/PMC data window functions and structures for FS15i/16i/18i/21i/0i-B/Power Mate i FWLIB32.VB : Visual Basic .NET header file for CNC/PMC data window functions and structures for FS15i/16i/18i/21i/0i-B/Power Mate i <\LOG> FWLOG.EXE : Communication log output display utility for Data Window Library LOGLEVEL.EXE : Communication log output control utility for Data Window Library <\UNMSG> UMSGSERV.EXE : Server for Unsolicited Messaging Function *** A02B-0207-K732#ZZ07-2 *** (Documents 1) <\DOC> FWLIB32.EXE : Data window library specification (English version) (HTML files, archived) *** A02B-0207-K732#ZZ07-3 *** (Documents 2) <\DOC> FWLIB32J.EXE : Data window library specification (Japanese version) (HTML files, archived) ========================================================================== [2] File summary ========================================================================== < FWLIB.EXE > This is a self-extract archived file of LHA.EXE. This archived file has the following 8 files. < FWLIB32.DLL > - CNC/PMC data window dynamic link library (integrated) This is a library of data exchange functions between PC and CNC/PMC via TCP/IP and HSSB. < FWLIBE1.DLL > - This is a library for TCP/IP, which is called by FWLIB32.DLL at run-time. < FWLIB32.LIB > - CNC/PMC data window import library (integrated) The import library to be linked with CNC/PMC window library ( FWLIB32.DLL ) in C/C++ language. < FWPMCALM.INI > - The alarm message file for PMC which is used by pmc_rdalmmsg() function. < FWLIB32.H > C/C++/C++ .NET header file for CNC/PMC data window functions and structures. < FWLIB32.BAS > Visual Basic header file for CNC/PMC data window functions and structures. < FWLIB32.CS > Visual C# .NET header file for CNC/PMC data window functions and structures. < FWLIB32.VB > Visual Basic .NET header file for CNC/PMC data window functions and structures. < FWLIB32.EXE >< FWLIB32J.EXE > These are self-extract archived files of LHA.EXE. Each archived file includes HTML files, and Internet Explorer 4.0 or later is necessary to browse them. * LHA.EXE is the archive & de-archive program created by Mr. Haruyasu Yoshizaki. < FWLOG.EXE > This is a utility to display the contents of the communication log for Data window library. Please copy this file onto the backup floppy disk which is shipped with your machine. < LOGLEVEL.EXE > This is a utility to control the output level of the communication log for Data window library. Please copy this file onto the backup floppy disk which is shipped with your machine. < UMSGSERV.EXE > It is a server on the PC side to use the Unsolicited Messaging Function. Please refer to the data window library specifications to use the Unsolicited Messaging Function. This function is only for "Fast Ethernet board". ========================================================================== [3] Environment ========================================================================== All software in the disk is for Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.0 (service Pack 4 or later), Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP Professional. Before using the software in this disk, see the manual "FANUC Ethernet Board Operating Manual (B-63354EN)", "FANUC Fast Ethernet Board/Fast Data Server Operating Manual (B-63644EN)" or "FANUC 16i/18i/21i-MODEL B Connection Manual (B-63523-1EN)", and confirm the following items. * Settings of TCP/IP in your personal computer side. * Settings of the Ethernet Board and Embedded Ethernet function in the CNC side. * Physical network connection between your personal computer and the CNC. Following system/version supports Punch press and Laser functions. Ethernet Board 16i/18i/21i 6561/06 or later Fast Ethernet Board 16i/18i/21i 6567/01 or later Following system/version supports FS150i. Ethernet Board 15i 6563/05 or later Fast Ethernet Board 15i-B 6568/01 or later Following system/version supports FS0i-B. Fast Ethernet Board 0i-B 6567/07 or later ========================================================================== [4] Installation ========================================================================== < FWLIB32.DLL >< FWLIBE1.DLL > Copy 2 files to the appropriate folder of your application can access at run-time. Installing to the Windows\System folder, (in case of NT/2000/XP, System32), is recommended. < FWLIB32.LIB >< FWLIB32.H >< FWLIB32.BAS >< FWLIB32.CS >< FWLIB32.VB > Copy to the appropriate folder of your application development. < FWPMCALM.INI > Copy to the application folder or the Windows system folder. < FWLIB32.EXE >< FWLIB32J.EXE > Copy it to an empty folder, and execute it to extract. See "FWLIB32.HTM" file in this folder using Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. ========================================================================== [5] Redistributable software ========================================================================== You can redistribute the required drivers and run-time modules with your application. The drivers and run-time modules which you can redistribute have the following extensions in the file names. *.EXE, *.DLL