Jess Rules Engine Commands
List of engine commands that can be executed by Jess.
8.13. (agenda)
- Package:
- Arguments:
- Returns:
- Description:
Displays a list of rule activations to the WSTDOUT router.
8.19. (batch <filename>)
- Package:
- Arguments:
One string or atom representing the name of a file
- Returns:
- Description:
Attempts to parse and evaluate the given file as Jess code. If successful,
returns the return value of the last expression in the file.
Note: the argument must follow Jess' rules for valid
atoms or strings. On UNIX systems, this presents no particular
problems, but Win32 filenames may need special treatment. In
particular: pathnames should use either '\\' (double backslash) or '/'
(forward slash) instead of '\' (single backslash) as directory
separators; and pathnames which include a colon (':') or a
space character (' ') must be enclosed in double quotes.
In an applet, batch will try to find the file relative to the applet's
document base. In any program, if the file is not found, the name is
then passed to ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(). This
allows files along the class path, including files in JARs, to be batched.
8.24. (bload <filename>)
- Package:
- Arguments:
One string or atom representing the name of a file
- Returns:
- Description:
The argument is the name of a file previously produced by the bsave command. The file is decompressed and
deserialized to restore the state of the current Rete object. I/O
routers are not restored from the file; they retain their
previous state. Furthermore, JessListeners are not restored from the
file; again, they are retained from their state prior to the bload.
8.25. (bsave <filename>)
- Package:
- Arguments:
One string or atom representing the name of a file
- Returns:
- Description:
Dumps the engine in which it is called to the given filename argument
in a format that can be read using bload. Any input/output streams and event
listeners are not saved during the serialization process.
8.26. (build <string-expression>)
- Package:
- Arguments:
One string representing some Jess code
- Returns:
- Description:
Evaluates a string as though it were entered at the command prompt. Only
allows constructs to be evaluated. Attempts to parse and evaluate the given
string as Jess code. If successful, returns the return value of the last
expression in the string. This is typically used to define rules from Jess
code. For instance:
(build "(defrule foo (foo) => (bar))")
Note: The string must consist of one single construct; multiple
constructs can be built using multiple calls to build.
8.29. (clear)
- Package:
- Arguments:
- Returns:
- Description:
Clears Jess. Deletes all rules, deffacts, defglobals, deftemplates, facts,
activations, and so forth. Java Userfunctions are not deleted.
8.36. (defadvice (before | after) (<function-name> | <multifield> ) <function-call>+)
- Package:
- Arguments:
The atom before or the atom after, followed by either one
function name or a multifield of function names or the atom
ALL, followed by one or more function calls.
- Returns:
- Description:
Lets you supply extra code to run before or after the named
function(s) or all functions. If before is specified, the
code will execute before the named function(s); the variable $?argv
will hold the arguments to the function on entry to and exit from the
code block. If after is specified, the function will be
called before the code block is entered. When the block is entered,
the variable ?retval will refer to the original function's return
Whether before or after is specified, if the code
block explicitly calls return with a value, the returned
value will appear to the caller to be the return value of the original
function. For before advice, this means the original function
will not be called in this case.
8.41. (do-backward-chaining <deftemplate-tag>)
- Package:
- Arguments:
Name of a deftemplate (ordered or unordered)
- Returns:
- Description:
Marks a deftemplate as being eligible for backwards chaining, as
described in the text.
8.43. (engine)
- Package:
- Arguments:
- Returns:
External address
- Description:
Returns an external-address object containing the Rete engine in which
the function in called.
8.46. (eval <lexeme-expression>)
- Package:
- Arguments:
One string containing a valid Jess expression
- Returns:
- Description:
Evaluates a string as though it were entered at a command prompt. Only
allows functions to be evaluated. Evaluates the string as if entered at
the command line and returns the result.
Note: The string must consist of one single function call; multiple
calls can be evaluated using multiple calls to eval.
8.48. (exit)
- Package:
- Arguments:
- Returns:
- Description:
Exits Jess and halts Java.
8.65. (get-reset-globals)
- Package:
- Arguments:
- Returns:
- Description:
Indicates the current setting of global variable reset behavior. See set-reset-globals
for an explanation of this property.
8.66. get-salience-evaluation
- Package:
- Arguments:
- Returns:
- Description:
Indicates the current setting of salience evaluation behavior. See set-salience-evaluation
for an explanation of this property.
8.67. (halt)
- Package:
- Arguments:
- Returns:
- Description:
Halts rule execution. No effect unless called from the RHS of a rule.
8.114. (reset)
- Package:
- Arguments:
- Returns:
- Description:
Removes all facts from the fact list, removes all activations, then asserts
the fact (initial-fact), then asserts all facts found in
deffacts, asserts a fact representing each registered definstance, and
(if the set-reset-globals property is TRUE) initializes all
8.121. (run [<integer>])
- Package:
- Arguments:
Optionally, a single integer
- Returns:
- Description:
Starts the inference engine. If no argument is supplied, Jess will
keep running until no more activations remain or halt is
called. If an argument is supplied, it gives the maximum number of
rules to fire before stopping.
8.123. (run-until-halt)
- Package:
- Arguments:
- Returns:
- Description:
Runs the engine until halt is called. Returns
the number of rules fired. When there are no active rules, the calling
thread will be blocked waiting on the activation semaphore.
8.129. (set-node-index-hash <integer>)
- Package:
- Arguments:
One integral value
- Returns:
- Description:
Sets the default hashing key used in all Rete network join node
memories defined after the function is called; this function will not
affect parts of the network already in existence at the time of the
call. A small value will give rise to memory-efficient nodes; a
larger value will use more memory. If the created nodes will
generally have to remember many partial matches, large numbers will
lead to faster performance; the opposite may be true for nodes which
will rarely hold more than one or two partial matches. This function
sets the default; explicit declare statements can override
this for specific rules.
8.130. (set-reset-globals (TRUE | FALSE | nil))
- Package:
- Arguments:
One boolean value (TRUE or FALSE or nil)
- Returns:
- Description:
Changes the current setting of the global variable reset behavior. If this
property is set to TRUE (the default), then the (reset) command reinitializes
the values of global variables to their initial values (if the initial
value was a function call, the function call is reexecuted.) If the property
is set to FALSE or nil, then (reset) will not affect global
variables. Note that in previous versions of Jess, defglobals were
always reset; but if the initial value was set with a function call,
the function was not reevaluated. Now it is.
8.131. (set-salience-evaluation (when-defined | when-activated | every-cycle))
- Package:
- Arguments:
One of the atoms when-defined, when-activated, or every-cycle
- Returns:
One of the potential arguments (the previous value of this property)
- Description:
Changes the current setting of the salience evaluation behavior. By default,
a rule's salience will be determined once, when the rule is defined (when-defined.)
If this property is set to when-activated, then the salience of each rule
will be redetermined immediately before each time it is placed on the agenda.
If the property is set to every-cycle, then the salience of every rule
is redetermined immediately after each time any rule fires.
8.132. (set-strategy (depth | breadth))
- Package:
- Arguments:
An atom or string representing the name of a strategy (can be a fully-qualifed
Java class name). You can use depth and breadth to represent the two
built-in strategies.
- Returns:
The previous strategy as an atom.
- Description:
Lets you specify the conflict resolution strategy Jess uses to order
the firing of rules of equal salience. Currently, there are two strategies
available: depth (LIFO) and breadth (FIFO). When the
depth strategy is in effect (the default), more recently activated rules
are fired before less recently activated rules of the same salience. When
the breadth strategy is active, rules of the same salience fire in the
order in which they are activated. Note that in either case, if several
rules are activated simultaneously (i.e., by the same fact-assertion event)
the order in which these several rules fire is unspecified, implementation-dependent
and subject to change. More built-in strategies may be added in the future.
You can (perhaps) implement your own strategies in Java by creating a class
that implements the jess.Strategy interface and then specifying
its fully-qualified classname as the argument to set-strategy.
Details can be gleaned from the source. At this time, though, I think
some of the methods you'd need to call are package-protected.
8.154. (undefadvice (<function-name> | ALL | <multifield>))
- Package:
- Arguments:
A function name, or ALL, or a multifield of function names
- Returns:
- Description:
Removes all advice from the named function(s).
8.156. (undefrule <rule-name>)
- Package:
- Arguments:
An atom representing the name of a rule
- Returns:
- Description:
Deletes a defrule. Removes the named rule from the Rete network and returns
TRUE if the rule existed. This rule will never fire again.