Function Index

Functions related to files and other I/O

close,   format,   get-multithreaded-io,   open,   printout,   read,   readline,   set-multithreaded-io,   socket

Miscellaneous functions

bag,   bind,   clear-storage,   fetch,   gensym*,   help,   jess-version-number,   jess-version-string,   set-factory,   setgen,   store,   system,   time

Functions for interacting with Java code

add,   call,   context,   defclass,   definstance,   get,   get-member,   implement,   import,   instanceof,   load-function,   load-package,   new,   set,   set-member,   set-nonvalue-class,   synchronized,   throw,   try,   undefinstance,   update

Logical functions

and,   bit-and,   bit-not,   bit-or,   not,   or

Functions used primarily for debugging

jess-type,   list-function$,   matches,   set-watch-router,   show-jess-listeners,   unwatch,   view,   watch

Functions for working with defqueries

count-query-results,   run-query,   run-query*

Control structures

apply,   break,   call-on-engine,   filter,   for,   foreach,   if,   lambda,   map,   progn,   return,   while

Functions for pretty-printing constructs

list-deftemplates,   ppdeffacts,   ppdeffunction,   ppdefglobal,   ppdefquery,   ppdefrule,   ppdeftemplate,   rules,   show-deffacts,   show-deftemplates

Functions for interacting with the rule engine

agenda,   batch,   bload,   bsave,   build,   clear,   clear-focus-stack,   defadvice,   do-backward-chaining,   engine,   eval,   exit,   focus,   get-current-module,   get-focus,   get-focus-stack,   get-reset-globals,   get-salience-evaluation,   get-strategy,   halt,   list-focus-stack,   pop-focus,   provide,   require,   require*,   reset,   run,   run-until-halt,   set-current-module,   set-node-index-hash,   set-reset-globals,   set-salience-evaluation,   set-strategy,   undefadvice,   undeffacts,   undefrule

Mathematical functions

*,   **,   +,   ++,   -,   --,   /,   <,   <=,   <>,   =,   >,   >=,   abs,   div,   e,   eq,   eq*,   exp,   float,   integer,   log,   log10,   long,   max,   min,   mod,   neq,   pi,   random,   round,   sqrt

Functions which query the type of a Value

evenp,   external-addressp,   floatp,   integerp,   java-objectp,   lexemep,   listp,   longp,   multifieldp,   numberp,   oddp,   stringp,   subsetp,   symbolp

String manipulation functions

asc,   lowcase,   regexp,   str-cat,   str-compare,   str-index,   str-length,   sub-string,   sym-cat,   upcase

Functions for working with lists

as-list,   complement$,   create$,   delete$,   explode$,   first$,   implode$,   insert$,   intersection$,   length$,   list,   member$,   nth$,   replace$,   rest$,   subseq$,   union$

Functions for working with facts

assert,   assert-string,   dependencies,   dependents,   duplicate,   fact-id,   fact-slot-value,   facts,   load-facts,   modify,   remove,   retract,   retract-string,   save-facts,   save-facts-xml

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