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Seminar-Managerial Problem Solving




Problem Solving 

Detective Columbo

 "There are a couple of loose ends I'd like to tie up. Nothing important you understand."  







Managerial Problem Solving

Dealing With The Really Difficult Problems

This seminar gives managers thinking and analysis tools for coping with difficult, complex, probabilistic, and conditional problems. Such problems have: 

● Multiple Causes & Symptoms

● Vague or Missing Data

● Both Technical & Psychological Components

● Cause & Effect Separated In Time

● Intermittent or Random Factors

● Recurrence & Intractability

This is an active seminar. It includes the usual panoply of TQM/Six Sigma techniques plus Systems Dynamics. It uses  realistic exercises taken from many years of managerial practice. 

Format  Onsite Live Online Who Should Attend?
Time 2-Day 6 weeks

CEO's & Presidents Managers Functional Support Staff

Cost $5500 (Includes Travel) $3000
Participants 5-25 5-20
Next Step Call us at 816-931-1414

Participants Will Learn...

  • What is a problem? The definition may surprise you!

  • Why problems persist

  • How to define and specify your problem accurately. 

  • Seven Information Gathering Tools that get the right information in the right way.

  • Why teams are better at Problem Solving. 

  • Using Charts & Statistics for Analysis

  • How systems create their own problems

  • How to identify the Root Cause that eliminates the problem forever.

  • Practice Brainstorming as a team by following five simple rules.

  • Many solutions might solve the problem but which is best? Learn three effective methods for decision making.

  • Emergencies require fast action. Learn about three types of action in a crises.

  • Put your new skills to work solving Realistic Case Problems.

Who,what,when,where,why and how

Rudyard Kipling


I KEEP six honest serving-men

(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
    And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,
      I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me,
       I give them all a rest.

Program Outline

1.0 What Is A Problem?

Typical Approaches - Problem Definition & Implications

2.0 The Problem Solving Procedure

Define - Analyze - Identify Root Cause

Find Solutions - Identify Best Solution - Take Action

3.0 How To Specify The Problem

The Importance of Specification

Causal Vs. Symptomatic Specification

Elements of A Good Specification

4.0 Tools For Data Acquisition & Analysis

Fishbone Diagrams

The Case Of The Tasteless Coffee Exercise

Forms & Checklists

Process Charts & Fishbone Diagrams

Surveys, Line, Scatter Diagrams, Bar, & Pie Charts

5.0 Managerial Statistics

Correlation analysis

Multi-Variate Correlation


Statistical Analysis - Statistical Sampling

6.0 System Dynamics

Elements of Systems - Systems Thinking

 7.0 Human Aspects

Maslow's Hierarchy & Motivation

How Motivation Affects Problems

Teams In Problem Solving

 8.0 Identify The Root Cause

Fishbone Diagrams - Is/Is-Not Analysis

Testing The Root Cause

 9.0 Search For Solutions

Brainstorming - The Columbo Approach

Building A Burger Better Exercise

10.0 Identify The Best Solution

Cost-Benefit Analysis - PNI Analysis

Weighted Factor Evaluation - Unintended Consequences

11.0 Take Action

Three Types of Action

Planning The Implementation

12.0 Putting It Into Practice

Valley Extruded Products Case Study

Peeling The Onion

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