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Training Kit—Value Stream Mapping

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A Personal Note

Quarterman LeeBasic skill training for many employees is a part of Lean Strategy. While  Strategos offers such programs, Training Kits from Enna, Inc. provide an option for internal training. 

Enna's packages are professionally prepared, convenient and cost-effective. They enable a regular employee, with basic knowledge and presentation skills to conduct effective training.

Quarterman Lee

President, Strategos, Inc.

Value Stream Mapping Training Kit

Everything Needed for Internal Training

With this training kit, your own instructor has everything necessary for an internal program that teaches and develops a value stream map for one or more of your processes. Through this, participants visualize the inefficiencies, imbalances and inventory buildups that generate so much waste. 

After the three days of learning and doing, participants learn to apply Lean Manufacturing principles and develop a future state map that eliminates much of the waste previously identified. The identify opportunity areas for Kaizen events, prioritize them and set the stage for an implementation plan. 

Format Training Kit Who Should Attend?
Time 3-Day





Production Employees

Cost $429.99
Participants 5-25
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Participants Will Learn...

  • About the Seven Wastes  and how Value Stream Mapping can highlight waste and lead to its elimination.  

  • The mechanics of VSM: symbols, conventions and state maps.  

  • How to move systematically through the nine steps and create a Present State map.  

  • How to sort through hundreds of different products and develop Product Families.  

  • How to calculate days of inventory and what this information implies.

  • About the Six Steps to a Future State Map.

  • How to use Takt Time to balance operations and develop potential workcells.

  • Why One Piece Flow is so important and how to employ it in your value stream.

  • To use Supermarkets and Kanban.

  • To develop an implementation plan.

Program Outline

1. Introduction


Value Stream Mapping: Impact & Benefits

The Seven Wastes

2. Overview Of VSM

Definition of Terminology

Current & Future States

Continuous Improvement

3. The Current State Map: Door-To-Door

Nine Steps To The Current State

(1) Identify Primary Value Streams

(2) Identify Key Metrics

(3) Map Overall Process Flow

(4) Complete Data Boxes

(5) Draw Inventory & Day Supply

(6) Summarize Timeline

(7) Illustrate Information Flow

(9) Add Kaizen Bursts

4. Future State Door-To-Door Value Stream

The Six Steps

(1) Assessment Based On Takt Time

(2) Eliminate Non-Value Added Steps

(3) One-Piece Flow & Trigger Points

(4) Build To Supermarket

(5) Level Production Mix

(6) Confirm Kaizen Bursts

5. Value Stream Plan

  • Value Stream Loops

  • Workshop Objectives

  • Establish Implementation Plan

  • Establish Membership

6. Closing


Training Kit Contents

  • Facilitator Guide (1)-- Comprehensive facilitator guide makes instruction easy.

  • Preparation Guide (1)-- Helps the instructor to systematically prepare. It includes timing, scheduling, workshop details.

  • Facilitator Digital Media CD (1)-- Dynamic visual presentation that goes far beyond PowerPoint in graphics and quality. 

  • Participant Workbooks (8)-- Combines information, illustrations, key questions, and space for notes. Includes a self assessment.

  • Just-In-Time Poster (1)- Full-color poster for training room and workplace with Principles of JIT.

  • 7-Wastes Poster (1)- Full-color poster of the seven wastes of operations.

  • Commandments for Continuous Improvement Poster (1)- Full-color poster emphasizing the philosophy behind VSM.

  • Product Family Matrix Form (1-Pad)-- to analyze product families by flow rather than function.

  • Histogram Analysis (1-Pad)-- forms for business cycle considerations.

  • Pareto Analysis (PQ) Form (1-Pad)-- analyzes products and relative quantities.

  • Data Box Post-Its (2-Pads)-- for posting data boxes on a wall chart.

  • Kaizen Post-Its (2-Pads) -for posting Kaizen events on wall chart.

  • Replenishment Materials-- Additional workbooks, forms and posters are available.

Value Stream Mapping Training Package

Cost: $429.99

To Order, click below and go to:

Value Stream Mapping Solution Package

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