Program Outline
1. Introduction
Value Stream Mapping: Impact & Benefits
The Seven Wastes
2. Overview Of VSM
Definition of Terminology
Current & Future States
Continuous Improvement
3. The Current State Map: Door-To-Door
Nine Steps To The Current State
(1) Identify Primary Value Streams
(2) Identify Key Metrics
(3) Map Overall Process Flow
(4) Complete Data Boxes
(5) Draw Inventory & Day Supply
(6) Summarize Timeline
(7) Illustrate Information Flow
(9) Add Kaizen Bursts
4. Future State Door-To-Door Value Stream
The Six Steps
(1) Assessment Based On Takt Time
(2) Eliminate Non-Value Added Steps
(3) One-Piece Flow & Trigger Points
(4) Build To Supermarket
(5) Level Production Mix
(6) Confirm Kaizen Bursts
5. Value Stream Plan
Value Stream Loops
Workshop Objectives
6. Closing