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Workshop—Value Stream & Process Mapping

Seminar Highlights

Value Stream Map

Typical Value Stream Map


Mapping Team At Work

Participants develop their map at a Strategos program in Puebla, MX.


Process Map


VSM Instructor

Strategos instructor Lourdez Menendez makes a point obout the value stream map.

Value Stream & Process Mapping

How To Visualize & Improve Work Processes

In this hands-on, practical workshop, participants learn about both Value Stream Mapping and Process Mapping. They then apply their new knowledge to actual processes and value streams from their own factory or office. 

Value Stream and Process Mapping both help visualize complex manufacturing or business systems, identify waste and guide improvement efforts. The two techniques give different perspectives and both have a place.

Format Onsite Live Online Who Should Attend?
Time 2-Day 6 weeks

Executives -- Managers



Materials Managers


Cost $5500 (Includes Travel) $2900
Participants 5-25
Next Step Call us at 816-931-1414

Participants Will Learn...

Value Stream Mapping

  • What is a Value Stream?

  • How Value Stream Mapping gives a broad view of an operation from supplier to customer.  

  • When and where to use Value Stream Mapping

  • Selecting the Value Stream

  • VSM symbols and meanings

  • Twelve steps to Value Stream Mapping

  • Elements of Lean and how VSM highlights their use and application. 

  • Getting to the "Future State"

  • How to use Value Stream Mapping to develop your Manufacturing Strategy

Process Mapping

  • When and where to use Process Mapping.

  • Waste and why it is so difficult to identify.

  • How to think in "Process" terms rather than "Activity" terms.

  • How to define the product for a process map.

  • Levels of detail- Macro, Micro & Sub-Micro

  • Symbols & Conventions and how to use them.

  • How to facilitate process mapping-- detailed instructions, hints and how-to's.

  • How to streamline a process and build a "future state" map


Program Outline

1.0 What Is Mapping All About?

Types of Maps

Value and Waste

Process Mapping

Background of Mapping

Mapping The MacProcess (Exercise)

2.0 Process Mapping The Present State

Detailed Procedure


Mapping Teams

Hints & How-To's

Team Project (Exercise)

3.0 Process Mapping The Future State


The Columbo Approach


Measuring The Results

Detailed Example

Team Projects (Exercise)

4.0 Value Stream Maps

What Is A Value Stream

Product Families

How To Map The Present State

Team Projects (Exercise)

5.0 Lean Principles & Techniques

Elements of Lean Manufacturing

Value Stream Symbology

Mapping The Future State (Exercise)

6.0 The Future State Value Stream Map

Seven Steps To The Future

Team Projects (Exercise)

7.0 Using Your Maps

Mapping and Strategy

Developing A Lean Manufacturing Strategy

The Elements of Lean

A Mental Model

Implementation Planning

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