Program Outline
1. Motivation In The Lean Environment
Carrot & Stick
Hierarchy of Needs
Theory X and
Theory Y
How Teams Fit
2. Special Issues With work Teams
Managing The
Shepherds Vs.
3. Knowing Yourself & Others
Personality Types
Why Personality
Types Are Important
What Is Your
Personality Type?
Dealing With
Other Personality Types
4. Emotional Intelligence
What Is
Emotional Intelligence?
Your Emotional
Intelligence Quotient (Exercise)
Raising Your EIQ
5. Leadership Styles
Identifying Styles (Exercise/Video)
When Does Style Matter?
6. Leadership Models
Leading Versus Managing
What Do Effective Leaders Do?
Leadership Levels:
Shakespeare & Leadership (Exercise/Video)
Assessing Your Leadership Level (Exercise)
7. Twelve O'clock High
What Is Wrong At The 918th?
What Did General Savage Do?
Applying The Lessons of The 918th