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Leadership for Lean Manufacturing

Relational Leadership

Activities & Competencies

Great Leaders-Vince Lombardi
Great Leaders- Vince Lombardi took the Green Bay Packers from perennial losers to the Superbowl.

Relational Leaders create commitment through participation in work and problem-solving processes. This contrasts with the Transactional Leader who gains only compliance.

Teams and teamwork play a key role for the Relational Leader. Belonging to a team is powerful motivation for most people. In addition, teams are better at solving difficult, unclear and non-technical problems.

The Relational Leader manages politics within his/her own team and also with the outside world. This further promotes team effectiveness. Relational Leaders generally work within the existing organization structure and culture. They adopt existing values, goals and processes.

Personal Characteristics

Relational leaders are usually personable. They welcome participation and consultation and will tolerate opposing views.

Application Level

Relational Leadership works well with technical and non-technical problems where the issues are clear. It is insufficient for adaptive problems.

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  Level Activities & Competencies Personal Characteristics


  • Creates Commitment Through Participation

  • Motivates Intrinsically

  • Promotes Teamwork

  • Manages Politics

  • Works Within  Existing System

  • Participative & Consultative


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