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Factory Science

Towards A More Fundamental Understanding of Work Systems

Factories are complex, dynamical, socio-technical systems. Overlaid on the basic system are a host of business and technical specialties, each requiring a body of knowledge.  Such systems are not simple or predictable.

A deep understanding of such systems requires experience and knowledge in multiple disciplines. Some of these disciplines overlap; all interact within the factory system.

The secrets of Lean Manufacturing lie largely in the fields of Dynamical Systems and Human Dynamics. These disciplines explain many of the phenomena that make Lean Manufacturing work.

What is the body of knowledge necessary to understand and explain manufacturing? This is what we mean by "Factory Science". This page is an initial attempt to answer that question.



en-gi-neer-ing   n.1. the art and science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences, as physics or chemistry, as in the construction of engines, bridges, buildings, mines, ships, and manufacturing plants.   --Random House Unabridged Dictionary


How Can We Use This?

  • Explore areas of incomplete knowledge

  • Recognize that edicts, slogans, imitation, and proselytizing brings unanticipated consequences.

  • Learn about the interconnection of everything in the factory system.

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