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The Strategos Guide To Value Stream and Process Mapping goes far beyond symbols and arrows. In over 163 pages it tells the reader not only how to do it but what to do with it. More info...

Strategos Guide to Value Stream & Process Mapping


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Selected Anthropometric Dimensions

Dimensions for Ergonomic Design 

Body Dimensions


Standing & Sitting DimensionsArmspread dimensions

Note that these dimensions are from older studies of North American and primarily Caucasian personnel. 

anthropometric Dimensions

Reach Zones

Horizontal Reach Zones Vertical Reach Zones

Workspace Clearances

This diagram shows typical clearances for various work positions. The three values represent:

  • Minimum Recommended Clearance

  • Recommended Clearance

  • Clearance With Bulky Clothing

Workspace dimensions

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

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