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On The Quality of Strategic Decisions




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The Newsletter of Lean Manufacturing Strategy

30 September 2011      

On the Quality of Strategic Decisions

The results of strategic decisions are wide-ranging, pervasive, difficult to modify and far removed in time from the decision point. Therefore it is especially important to ensure that the decision process is likely to produce a high-quality decision.

Our latest article is a short reflection on Strategic Decisions and strategy development. It ponders the differences between strategic decisions and those tactical decisions made by managers every day. They are different. One key difference lies in the way we judge their quality (Is the decision good or bad?). This article also features an example of Strategy Development involving Focused Factories.

On another matter, Subscribers in India may be interested in our new program on Lean Manufacturing and Warehousing. It approaches Lean with an emphasis on Inventory. Inventory usually generates most of the early savings and cash flow from Lean.

Best Regards,

Quarterman Lee


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Seminar - India

Lean Manufacturing & Warehousing

Profits on Inventory Through Lean

Chennai-Delhi-Mumbai       10-16 October 2011

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