Consultants in Lean Manufacturing Á Manufacturing Strategy

Consultants in Lean Manufacturing & Manufacturing Strategy

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Inventory Speaks!

Manufacturing Inventory Turnover

Wholesale Inventory Turns

Inventory-Why all The Fuss?

Inventory Record Accuracy & Cycle Counts





 Strategic Scheduling for Lean Manufacturing

Kanban System Design





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The Newsletter of Lean Manufacturing Strategy

07 July 2011      

Inventory Speaks!

Is anyone Listening?

Inventory records hold a wealth of information about a manufacturing or distribution operation. They can provide valuable insights into operations, strategy, systems and supply chains. All from readily available and simple data. Our new article, "Inventory Speaks!" shows how to tap this data and interpret the language of inventory.

An inventory analysis seldom, by itself, defines the problems and reveals solutions. Rather, it points the way to further investigation. It leads to "leverage points" where small improvements often bring large results. It is an essential, early task for:

  • Lean Implementations

  • Manufacturing Strategy Development

  • Layout & Facility Planning

  • Warehouse Planning & Design

  • Process Improvement

  • Financial Strategy Development

Please take a look at "Inventory Speaks!. Inventory has an important story to tell. Are you listening?

Best Regards,

Quarterman Lee


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The Strategos Guide to

Cycle Counting & Inventory Accuracy

Quarterman Lee's ebook takes the mystery out of cycle counting. This is a book for Lean practitioners who want inventory accuracy quickly and simply.

View TOC & Sample Pages            eBook Trial Version

Learn About...

  • Cycle Counting

  • Physical Inventories

  • Process Improvement

  • Transaction Volume

  • Strategies For Accuracy

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