Consultants in Lean Manufacturing Á Manufacturing Strategy

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Implementing Lean Manufacturing



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L  e  a  n     B  r  i  e  f  i  n  g

The Newsletter of Lean Manufacturing Strategy

18 October 2007      

Implementing Lean Manufacturing

Implementation of Lean has always been problematic. Failures and semi-failures abound; the reasons and rationalizations numerous. Such a plethora of excuses, coupled with dissension, often points to more fundamental, overlooked and missing success factors that may include:

  • A Strategic and Fundamental Approach

  • Appreciation for Lean's Systemic Nature

  • Charismatic-Transformational Leadership

  • Realistic Planning

  • A Framework in Corporate Cultural

Lean implementation does not fit a recipe or pre-determined formula. Every implementation is unique. In addition to textbook knowledge, it requires insight and intuition; what the Germans call  "fingerspitzengefuhl" (a feeling in the fingers).

The implementation pages on our website provide insight (but not a formula). They portray Lean Manufacturing's systemic nature, provide a Mental Model, an approach to strategy, and help with action plans.

This series was recently published as a feature article in the United Kingdom's Institute of Management Services Journal. It is now available as a free download.

In future Lean Briefings, I will expand on implementation and discuss how to use Kaizen Events to formulate strategy. We will also address corporate culture for lean, how to institute that culture as well as other important topics.

Best Regards,

Quarterman Lee

You may forward Lean Briefing to colleagues or use it in your publication. Please do so in its entirety.

(c) 2007 Strategos, Inc.

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