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Event Images: "STEP-NC on a Multi-Axis Machine"

6th IRB Meeting at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, on January 29-30, 2003

Audience Looking On

Tools of the Trade

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Checking Out the Machine

More Tools

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Milling a Part

Alex Lipatov of STEP Tools Inc. Milling a Part

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Finished Part

Multi-Axis CNC Milling Machine

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Martin Hardwick

Up-Close look at Part Being Milled

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Ford Oxaal Demonstrating on a laptop

Another Up-Close Look

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Audience Looking On

Martin Hardwick and Alex Lipatov from STEP Tools Inc.

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IRB Members Looking On

Jim Butler from Honeywell with Part in Hand

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Audience Looking On

Martin and Alex Watching the Multi-Axis Milling

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IRB Members Looking On

Paula Popson From STEP Tools Inc. Getting Some Shots of JPL

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Audience Looking On

A Look at the Finished Part

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Checking Out the Machine

From a Different Angle

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Audience Looking On

Close-Up View of Milled Part

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Checking Out the Machine

Steve Kamine from JPL

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Audience Looking On

Adjusting the CNC Controls

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Checking Out the Machine

Alex and Steve Operating the CNC

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Audience Looking On

Bill Simons from Honeywell

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Checking Out the Machine

Alex Lipatov from STEP Tools Inc.

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Audience Looking On

IRBers Milling Around

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Checking Out the Machine

Another Shot of IRBers

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Audience Looking On

Jim Butler from Honeywell

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Checking Out the Machine

Alex, Jeff, and Bill Having Some Dinner

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