project(OpenCamLib) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4) # # Turn compiler warnings up to 11, at least with gcc. I dont know how to # do this with other compilers we might support and I'm leaving it up to # the relevant platform maintainers... # # #include'ing the boost graph-library creates deprecated warnings # thus we use now use -Wno-deprecated here. # if (CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL MATCHES "make") add_definitions(-Wall -Werror -Wno-deprecated) endif (CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL MATCHES "make") # # this figures out the Python include directories and adds them to the # header file search path # execute_process( COMMAND python-config --includes COMMAND sed -r "s/-I//g; s/ +/;/g" COMMAND tr -d '\n' OUTPUT_VARIABLE Python_Includes ) include_directories(${Python_Includes}) # run which generates revision.h needed by ocl.revision() execute_process( COMMAND python ) MESSAGE(STATUS "running to generate revision.h") # # this finds the boost python library (it's installed under different names # on Ubuntu Hardy through Karmic vs Lucid) # # this is the old (pre 2010May12) way of finding boost-python # find_library( # LIB_BOOST_PYTHON # NAMES boost_python-mt boost_python # ) # MESSAGE(STATUS "found boost-python: " ${LIB_BOOST_PYTHON}) find_package( Boost COMPONENTS python REQUIRED) if(Boost_FOUND) include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) MESSAGE(STATUS "found Boost: " ${Boost_LIB_VERSION}) MESSAGE(STATUS "boost-incude dirs are: " ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) MESSAGE(STATUS "boost-python lib is: " ${Boost_PYTHON_LIBRARY}) endif() # # find OpenMP # find_package( OpenMP REQUIRED ) IF (OPENMP_FOUND) MESSAGE(STATUS "found OpenMP, compiling with flags: " ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS} ) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS}") MESSAGE(STATUS "flags are now: " ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}) ENDIF(OPENMP_FOUND) # alternative markup for getting the revision string #add_custom_command( # OUTPUT revision.h # COMMAND python # COMMENT running # DEPENDS #) # # this makes the ocl Python module # add_library( ocl MODULE arc.cpp ballcutter.cpp batchdropcutter.cpp batchpushcutter.cpp bbox.cpp bullcutter.cpp compoundcutter.cpp conecutter.cpp millingcutter.cpp cylcutter.cpp fiber.cpp kdtree.cpp kdtree2.cpp line.cpp numeric.cpp ocl_cutters.cpp ocl_geometry.cpp ocl_octree.cpp ocl.cpp ocode.cpp octree.cpp oellipse.cpp epos.cpp path.cpp pathdropcutter.cpp point.cpp ccpoint.cpp clpoint.cpp clfilter.cpp stlsurf.cpp stlreader.cpp triangle.cpp volume.cpp weave.cpp ) MESSAGE(STATUS "linking with boost: " ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) target_link_libraries(ocl ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) set_target_properties(ocl PROPERTIES PREFIX "") # was: # target_link_libraries(ocl ${LIB_BOOST_PYTHON}) # # this makes a shared library for use by c/c++ code # # FIXME: make this work # # add_library( # ocl10.4 # SHARED # arc.cpp # ballcutter.cpp # bullcutter.cpp # conecutter.cpp # cutter.cpp # cylcutter.cpp # kdtree.cpp # line.cpp # numeric.cpp # #ocl.cpp # octree.cpp # oellipse.cpp # path.cpp # pathfinish.cpp # pfinish.cpp # point.cpp # stlsurf.cpp # triangle.cpp # volume.cpp # ) # target_link_libraries(ocl "") # # this figures out where to install the Python modules # execute_process( COMMAND python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()" OUTPUT_VARIABLE Python_site_packages OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) MESSAGE(STATUS "Python libraries will be installed to: " ${Python_site_packages}) install( TARGETS ocl LIBRARY DESTINATION ${Python_site_packages} ) install( # FILES ../lib/ DIRECTORY ../lib/ DESTINATION ${Python_site_packages} # PATTERN .svn EXCLUDE ) # # this installs the examples # install( DIRECTORY ../scripts/ DESTINATION share/doc/python-opencam/examples PATTERN .svn EXCLUDE ) install( DIRECTORY ../stl/ DESTINATION share/doc/python-opencam/examples/stl PATTERN .svn EXCLUDE ) # # build & install documentation (if Doxygen is available) # FIND_PACKAGE(Doxygen) IF (DOXYGEN_FOUND) # this works around a bug in cmake 2.4 (Ubuntu Hardy) execute_process( COMMAND mkdir -p doc/html doc/latex ) FIND_PACKAGE(LATEX) IF (NOT LATEX_COMPILER) MESSAGE(STATUS "latex command LATEX_COMPILER not found but usually required. You will probably get warnings and user inetraction on doxy run.") ENDIF (NOT LATEX_COMPILER) IF (NOT MAKEINDEX_COMPILER) MESSAGE(STATUS "makeindex command MAKEINDEX_COMPILER not found but usually required.") ENDIF (NOT MAKEINDEX_COMPILER) IF (NOT DVIPS_CONVERTER) MESSAGE(STATUS "dvips command DVIPS_CONVERTER not found but usually required.") ENDIF (NOT DVIPS_CONVERTER) if (EXISTS Doxyfile) set(DOXY_CONFIG Doxyfile) endif (EXISTS Doxyfile) add_custom_command( OUTPUT doc/latex/index.tex doc/html/index.html COMMAND ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} ${DOXY_CONFIG} COMMENT building LaTex & HTML docs ) add_custom_target( doc #ALL DEPENDS doc/latex/index.tex ) IF (EXISTS ${PDFLATEX_COMPILER}) add_custom_command( OUTPUT doc/latex/refman.pdf DEPENDS doc/latex/index.tex WORKING_DIRECTORY doc/latex COMMAND make pdf COMMENT building PDF docs COMMAND mv refman.pdf ../ocl-manual.pdf ) add_custom_target( doc-pdf DEPENDS doc/latex/refman.pdf ) add_dependencies(doc doc-pdf) ELSE (EXISTS ${PDFLATEX_COMPILER}) message(STATUS "pdflatex compiler not found, PDF docs will not be built") ENDIF (EXISTS ${PDFLATEX_COMPILER}) add_custom_target( doc-latex DEPENDS doc/latex/index.tex ) install( DIRECTORY doc/latex/ DESTINATION share/doc/python-opencam/pdf FILES_MATCHING PATTERN *.pdf ) install( FILES doc/ocl-manual.pdf DESTINATION share/doc/python-opencam/pdf ) install( DIRECTORY doc/html DESTINATION share/doc/python-opencam/ ) ENDIF(DOXYGEN_FOUND)