FreeSteel - Dependencies ------------------------ VTK 4.4 wxWindows 2.4 Python 2.3 (enthought?) SWIG 1.3.21 Add VTK subdirs to VC's include directories. Add wxWindows\includes to VC's include directories. Environment variables: VTK - VTK root. e.g. C:\VTK (binaries should be in bin\Release and bin\Debug) WXWINDOWS - WxWindows root. e.g. C:\wxWindows-2.4.2 PYTHON_LIB - e.g. C:\Python23\libs\python23.lib PYTHON_INCLUDE - e.g. C:\Python23\include Path: swig.exe python.exe pythonw.exe VTK --- Download latest source version. Install CMake. Run CMake specifying the VTK root dir for both source and destination, configure build files for desired compiler. ? change any options ? Open VTK.sln and build ALL_BUILD NB! VTK must be built separately for VC6 and VC7 if both are to be used. wxWindows --------- Set up a new C++ DLL with SWIG-generated Python wrapper. -------------------------------------------------------- Don't use precompiled header files - it causes unresolvable conflicts when used without the debug version of the python library. Add XxxXxx.i file to project. Custom build properties for XxxXxx.i: Command Line: swig -c++ -python "$(InputPath)" Outputs: $(InputName)_wrap.cxx Add XxxXxx_wrap.cxx file to project. For debug build to work without pythonXX_d.lib: Custom build properties for XxxXxx_wrap.cxx (Debug): C/C++/Advanced: Disable specific warnings: 4025 Undefine Preprocessor Definitions: _DEBUG Python ------