Stanford Robotics

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory - Stanford University

CS223A — Introduction to Robotics


Winter Quarter 2014

Instructors Prof. Oussama Khatib
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Room Gates 144
Office hours: Mon/Wed 4:00–5:00pm
Dr. Torsten Kroeger
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Room Gates 122
Office hours: Mon/Wed, 4:00–5:00pm

Assistants Luke Allen
Office hours: Mon 11:40 - 12:40

Chen Bai
Office hours: Fri 11:00 - 12:00
Gerald Brantner
Office hours: Tue 9:45 - 10:45
Xiyang Yeh
Office hours: Tue 2:30 - 3:30

Office hours location:
Room: Gates 120 (Fishbowl)

Lectures Gates B01 Mon, Wed, 12:50-2:05pm


  • Mar 12: The final examination will take place in room 041 of Building 420 (Jordan Hall) on Wednesday, March 19, from 8:30-11:30am. Please be onsite at 8:20am! This is an open-book examination.
  • Mar 5: Please sign up for the second review session here.
  • Feb 24: All handouts are now available as pdf files and as png files.
  • Feb 6: We will hold exta office hours today from 4-6pm in addition to the usual 11-12 slot.
  • Feb 5: The midterm examination will take place in the Annenberg Auditorium on Monday, February 10, 12:50-2:05pm. Please be onsite at 12:40pm! This is an open-book examination.
  • Feb 3: HW1 and HW2 are graded and may be picked up in front of Prof. Khatib's office.
  • Jan 13: Office hours updated (see above).
  • Jan 6: We will use Piazza, an online collaboration tool during the quarter. Please sign up and enroll in 'CS 223A'.
  • Jan 5: The course reader is available at the Stanford Bookstore.
  • Jan 5: The office hours will be conducted in room 120. If the room is occupied, the TAs can be found at the lab space outside of the room.
  • Jan 5: To view the lecture online, login at the SCPD website
  • Jan 5: Welcome to an exciting new quarter!


  • Jan 6: Introduction
  • Jan 8: Spatial descriptions 1 (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Jan 13: Spatial descriptions 2
  • Jan 15: Forward Kinematics 1 (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Jan 20: Holiday (Martin Luther King Day)
  • Jan 22: Forward Kinematics 2
  • Jan 27: Inverse Kinematics (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Jan 29: Trajectory Generation (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Feb 3: Jacobians: Velocities (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Feb 5: Jacobians: Explicit Form (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Feb 5: Review 1 Group I (7-9pm, Gates 119)
  • Feb 6: Review 1 Group II (7-9pm, Gates 119)
  • Feb 10: Midterm examination (in class, room: Annenberg Auditorium)
  • Feb 12: Jacobians: Static Forces
  • Feb 17: Holiday (President’s Day)
  • Feb 19: Dynamics: Acceleration and Inertia (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Feb 24: Dynamics: Explicit Form (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Feb 26: Vision in Robotics (Guest Lecturer: Dr. Radu Rusu, President and CEO of Open Perception, Inc.)
  • Mar 3: Control: PID control (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Mar 5: Control: Joint space control (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Mar 10: Control: Operational space formulation & Force control (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Mar 10: Review 2 Group I (7-9pm, Gates 119)
  • Mar 11: Review 2 Group II (7-9pm, Gates 119)
  • Mar 12: Advanced Topics (Handout: pdf, png)
  • Mar 19: Final examination (8:30-11:30am, Jordan Hall (Building 420), room 041)


Homework Guidelines: Homework is due by 12:50 pm on the due date. You can turn it in to the TAs before class or in the Homework submission box near Gates 188 and 182. Anything handed in after 12:50 pm on the due date will be penalized by 30% per late day (for instance: submitting at due date 12:55 pm is 1 late day). In order to receive a grade at the end of the course, all homework must have been handed in. All homework is to be done individually. If you have any homework problems, you are urged to bring your questions to the instructors or the TAs.
  1. Print this problem set and fill in your answers in the dedicated white space right below the question statement. Alternatively you may also submit a typewritten writeup.
  2. Show your work -- you'll get no credit for answers without explanations.
  3. Circle / Highlight your answers -- if we can't find your answers, we can't grade your assignment.
  4. Write legibly -- if we can't read your name or your answers, we can't grade your assignment.
  5. Staple pages -- if pages go missing, we can't grade your assignment.
  6. Use common sense for decimals -- if the question states a = 1.34, then don't give answers like 2*a = 2.680001245735. If your solution contains fractions, square roots etc., do not convert them into decimals until the "last" possible step.
Out Due
Homework 1  (pdf)   Wed, Jan. 15
  Wed, Jan. 22
Homework 2  (pdf)   Wed, Jan. 22
  Wed, Jan. 29
Homework 3  (pdf)   Wed, Jan. 29
  Wed, Feb. 5
Homework 4  (pdf)   Wed, Feb. 12
  Wed, Feb. 19
Homework 5  (pdf)   Wed, Feb. 19
  Wed, Feb. 26
Homework 5  (pdf)   Wed, Feb. 19
  Wed, Feb. 26
Homework 6  (pdf)   Wed, Feb. 26
  Wed, Mar. 5
Homework 7  (pdf)   Wed, Mar. 5
  Wed, Mar. 12

Open-book exam