Handbook Working with iosh

Tcl command extensions for EMC IO

The following information has been extracted from For examples of the correct usage, look at the tcl scripts in emc/tcl/scripts.

To use the iosh commands, use the following at the start of the script:

# the next line restarts using iosh \
exec plat/nonrealtime/bin/iosh "$0" "$@"

Using iosh:

iosh {<script>} {-- -ini <ini file>}

With filename, it opens NML buffers to the EMC IO, runs the script, closes the buffers, and quits.

Without filename, it runs interactively.

With -- -ini <inifile>, uses inifile instead of emc.ini. Note that the two dashes prevents Tcl from looking at the remaining args, which would otherwise trigger a Tcl error that it doesn't understand what -ini means.

EMC IO commands:


Open or close the NML buffers to the command in, status out, and error out. Returns 0 if OK, or -1 if not.


Peek the NML command buffer. Returns 0 if OK, -1 if not.


Puts the command string, e.g., "emc_aux_estop_off", or "none". Returns 0.


Puts the command NML number. Returns 0.


Puts the command serial number. Returns 0.


Write the EMC_IO_STAT structure out to NML. Returns 0 if OK, -1 if error.


Write the error string to the error NML buffer. Returns 0 if OK, -1 if error.

emc_io_status_heartbeat <number>
emc_io_status_echo_serial_number <number>
emc_io_status_status done | exec | error
emc_io_status_estop on | off
emc_io_status_mist on | off
emc_io_status_flood on | off
emc_io_status_lube on | off
emc_io_status_lube_level ok | low
emc_io_status_spindle_speed <speed>
emc_io_status_spindle_enabled on | off
emc_io_status_spindle_direction <pos> <neg> 0
emc_io_status_spindle_increasing <pos> <neg> 0
emc_io_status_spindle_brake on | off
emc_io_status_tool_prepped <number>
emc_io_status_tool_in_spindle <number>

IO status, sets associated field in the NML status structure

IO commands:

inb <address>

Reads and returns the byte at <address>. If address begins with 0x, it's interpreted as a hex number, otherwise it's decimal.

outb <address> <value>

Writes the byte <value> to <address>. If address or value begins with 0x, it's interpreted as a hex number, otherwise it's decimal. Returns nothing.

inw <address>

Reads and returns the short at <address>. If address begins with 0x, it's interpreted as a hex number, otherwise it's decimal.

outw <address> <value>

Writes the short <value> to <address>. If address or value begins with 0x, it's interpreted as a hex number, otherwise it's decimal. Returns nothing.

inl <address>

Reads and returns the long at <address>. If address begins with 0x, it's interpreted as a hex number, otherwise it's decimal.

outl <address> <value>

Writes the long <value> to <address>. If address or value begins with 0x, it's interpreted as a hex number, otherwise it's decimal. Returns nothing.